




1.元记忆的证据 评语 第八章 记忆的自我监控与无意识记忆 记忆的自我监控metamemory) 监测与控制的互动 记忆的知感 「记忆策 …


1.Achievement goal orientation had influence on the magnitude and accuracy of metamemory monitoring via self-efficacy.成就目标定向是以自我效能为中介来影响元记忆监测判断等级的高低及判断的准确性。

2.Metamemory plays an important role in study.元记忆对学习有重要的作用。

3.Metamemory monitor the process of students, control their thoughts and behavior in order to obtain the knowledge and skill.元记忆监控的正是学生积极地控制自己的思维和行为以有效地获取知识与技能的过程。

4.A Comparative Study of the Metamemory- Monitoring Process Between Special Profession Undergraduates and General Profession Undergraduates特殊专业与一般专业大学生元记忆监测比较研究

5.Exploring the Characteristics of Metamemory Monitoring of Children with Learning Disabipties学习不良儿童元记忆监测特点的研究

6.Directed Forgetting and Metamemory in High Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Individuals高强迫症状个体的定向遗忘和元记忆

7.Metamemory Monitoring and Control Development of Children with Learning Disabipties学习不良儿童元记忆监测与控制的发展

8.A Contrastive Research on the Characters of Metamemory between LD Children and NLD Children学习困难儿童和非学习困难儿童元记忆特点的对比研究

9.Relationship between Metamemory Judgments of Age and Memory Bepefs元记忆判断的年龄差异及其与记忆信念的关系

10.A Review of the Researches About the Subthreshold Priming on the Judgments of Metamemory阈下启动与元记忆判断研究综述