




1.迈克尔杰克逊 Metalpca (金属制品) Michaeljackson 迈克杰克逊 MUSE (缪斯) ...

3.天王迈克尔杰克逊  已故流行天王迈克尔杰克逊(MichaelJackson)的前妻──猫王之女莉萨.玛莉.普里斯莱(LisaMariePresley)今年42岁,与父亲去世 …

4.天王杰克逊  流行音乐天王杰克逊MichaelJackson)和天后麦当娜,之前也曾传出绯闻。据说两人也曾有几次约会,包括一起出席了1991 …

5.麦可杰克逊  麦可杰克逊MichaelJackson)猝逝逾2年持续被爆料。23岁的「新好弟弟」亚伦卡特指称15岁时曾被麦可喂毒、灌酒;麦可生 …

6.麦可杰克森已逝麦可杰克森MichaelJackson )的纪念网页吸引1400多万名粉丝登录。欧巴马上周粉丝数超过女神卡卡,但在过去一个星 …

7.流行天王迈克尔杰克逊  据外国媒体报道,流行天王迈克尔杰克逊MichaelJackson)纪念演唱会日前被确认如期举行后,著名八卦网站透露迈克尔三 …


1.A classic example of this was the 2005 child molestation trial in Capfornia of the late entertainer Michael Jackson.一个典型的例子是2005年在加利福尼亚对已故演艺人迈克尔•杰克逊(MichaelJackson)的娈童指控。

2.It's all a major leap for a young girl who says she dreams of becoming a female version of the late Michael Jackson.对这位小姑娘来说,这可是非常重要的一步。她说,自己最大的梦想就是成为女版迈克尔·杰克逊(MichaelJackson)。

3.Twitter also made a runner-up appearance in Bing's top searches of the year, right behind 'Michael Jackson. 'Twitter在微软“必应”(Bing)搜索引擎中搜索量名列第二,仅次于“迈克尔-杰克逊”(MichaelJackson)。

4.Some petitions are a bit silly, frankly: the nomination of Michael Jackson for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize has more than 58, 000 signatures.坦白地说,有一些请愿活动则有点傻:2010年诺贝尔和平奖提名人MichaelJackson得到了58000的签名支持。

5.Michael Jackson has made history by winning four posthumous prizes at the American Music Awards.MichaelJackson在全美音乐奖上创历史得获得四项身后奖项。

6.This means that the odd glove is worth pttle, unless you are holding down a career as a Michael Jackson impersonator.这意味着单只手套没什么价值,除非你的职业是扮演迈克尔•杰克逊(MichaelJackson)。

7.At the center of the spectacle is a huge, pale, cartoonish rendering of Michael Jackson's head.在这奇观的中央是一个巨大的,苍白的,有点卡通的MichaelJackson的头像模型。

8.Michael Jackson and Madonna were also controversial spokespeople for the edgier cola.MichaelJackson和Madonna为不知名的可乐公司做代言,也引起了争议。

9.It was Michael Jackson that brought Blacks and Whites and Asians and Latinos together.正是MichaelJackson把黑人、白人、亚洲人和拉丁人聚集到一起

10.She also spoke about the role of his personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray, who is now the focus of a manslaughter investigation.她也谈到MichaelJackson的私人医生ConradMurray扮演的角色,后者此时正因过失杀人嫌疑接受调查。