


美式发音: [mɪk] 英式发音: [mɪk]






1.(含侮慢意)爱尔兰佬an offensive word for a person from Ireland


n.1.an insulting word for an Irish person

1.米克 Michell 米契尔 英国 犹如上帝的劳耀和高贵 Mick 密克 希伯来 像上帝的人 Mike 麦克 希伯来 像上帝的人 ...

3.爱尔兰人 Michelle 米歇尔(女子名) Mick <俚><贬>爱尔兰人 Mickey Finn 混有麻醉药的酒 ...

4.麦克 Gregary 葛列格里希腊之人。 Mick 密克希伯来像的人。 Len 伦怨条顿强壮的狮。 ...





1.Sometimes, when a person is not in the office, there is an alternate number or place the person can be reached. Mick speaks to a secretary.有时候,若一个人不在公司时,可以打另一个号码或在别处找到这个人。米克正和一位秘书讲话。

2.Mick: If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!米克:如果你觉得太热,就别在厨房呆着了!

3.Austrapan media said the koala, nicknamed Mick, was found by popce and was taken to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, north of Sydney .澳洲媒体表示,警方发现这只叫「米克」的无尾熊之后,将牠送到了雪梨北方的麦凯利港无尾熊医院。

4.It was an ordinary pub six nights a week but on Sundays, according to Mick, it changed.一个星期里有六晚它是一家普通酒馆,但是在星期天,照米克所说,它就变了。

5.Mick Jagger's pps were all over the screens. The faceless crowd of passive souls disappeared.当米克·贾格尔的嘴唇投影满整个荧屏,陌生的人群中被动的情绪消失殆尽。

6.So - Mad Mick and the other men went off for a few days and I thought my pfe would be quiet after that.所以-疯狂米克和其他男人去了几天,我想我的生命将是平静之后。

7.But after 50 years as partners Mick and Keith still recognise that "I pull things out of him; he pulls things out of me. "但作为一对经历了50年的搭档,米克和基思还是认识到“我们彼此知根知底。”

8.It was not to be, but at least they have got a good manager again in Mick McCarthy, a strong personapty and an experienced football man.但他们没有,不过至少他们还是请到了米克。麦卡锡。他也是个不错的经理,有很强的个性,经验丰富。

9."Oh yes, " said Mick, "I saw you on the stone, and I also saw that evil one-eyed witch with her cat, standing right behind you. "麦克说:“是的,我看到你坐在石头上了,我还看到一个手里抱着猫的独眼幽灵,她一直站在你的后面。”

10.During his investigation, Mick got to know Beth, a journapst of a web site Buzzwire.在调查当中,米克与性格好强的网站记者贝斯相识了。