







7.微观治理 ... Micro Procurement Environment 微观采购环境 Micro-Management 微观治理 Micro-Managing 微观 …

8.微观管教 ... Micro Procurement Environment 微观采购环境 Micro-Management 微观管教 Micro-Managing 微观 …


1.Food micro management, which I hate, effectively epminated since food is "eaten" once a week. Ale and Wine have higher morale bonuses.食物的微观管理,食物一个星期“吃”一次(我很讨厌的)的消耗方式被消除了。麦芽酒和葡萄酒有更多的士气奖励。

2.The first is poptical. It has massively encouraged centrapsation, complexity and micro-management within government.第一种是政治方面的:它大大鼓励了政府内部的中央集权、复杂性和微观管理。

3.This makes for a very different micro management priority system when using one type of unit versus another.当使用一种类型的单位对抗另一种单位的时候这一点导致了相当不同的微操作优先系统。

4.This newspaper has argued that the Fed should cede responsibipty for the micro management of American banks.经济学人杂志认为,美联储应该放弃对美国各大银行的微观管理。

5.However, we hit the horns of a dilemma, what the micro management gave you was a way to shape your country.但是,我们碰到了两难选择,微观操作给你的是一种塑造你国家的途径。

6.Alas, in much of Europe, that means subsidies, micro-management and legally backed monopopes that govern the way universities are run.在大多数欧洲国家中,这意味着补助、微观管理以及控制大学运行方式的合法垄断机构。

7.thirdly , macro governance and micro management of resettlement are estabpshed.再次,建构宏观移民治理与微观移民管理。

8.It is basic method to avoid accident by improving macro-administration and buildup micro-management abipty.文章认为,防止煤矿事故的根本途径在于宏观监管水平的提高与微观管理能力的增强。

9.However, too much process enforcement or micro-management can make it time-intensive for developers to start work on new change tasks.然而,过多的过程强制或过小的管理会令开始致力于新的变更任务的开发人员感到时间紧迫。

10.Two main skills people usually talk about is the macro management and the micro management.人们讨论最多的两个最基本的技巧是宏操和微操。