


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.半空中;悬空a place in the air or the sky, not on the ground

The bird caught the insects in mid-air .鸟在半空中捕捉了昆虫。


adj.1.happening in the air

1.半空中 mid- 中,中间 mid-air 半空中 midterm 期中 ...

2.空中 butt (用头或角)撞击;顶撞 mid-air 空中;上空 sore 疼痛的;感到疼痛的 ...

3.敌人跳在空中时用袖枪射杀 ... 17.Poison: 毒死目标。 19.Mid-Air敌人跳在空中时用袖枪射杀。 21.Podium: 前三名。 ...

4.半空是 ... 「热气球」是 hot-air balloon, 也可;「半空」是 mid-air; 「爆炸」是 expl…

5.半天吊他们的噩梦(nightmare)挑动我的好奇心,如果我半天吊(mid-air),困在(stranded)缆车,我究竟会做甚麽。我并不畏 …


1.We all used to be able to sustain chaingun fire on a mid air target while we were also in mid air.我们曾经一边兔子跳,一边在空中,持续不断的用机枪击中同样在空中运动的敌人。

2.and then his hand stopped in mid-air, my tears to his face, I still did not say enjoy, due to a pfetime of regret!然后他的手停在半空,我的泪流到他的脸,我还是没有说出喜欢,欠下了一生的遗憾!

3.He shot at me with an arrow, but I held up my hands and it stopped in mid-air.他便以箭射我,然我举起手来,弓箭便停在半空之中。

4.A magic wand appears in mid-air , and with a tap by the magic wand, a beautiful silk appears between the finger tips of the magician.往空气一抓,魔术师手上出现了一支魔术棒,运用魔术棒轻轻的一挥,一条丝巾便在魔术师手上瞬间出现。

5.In him again, imperiously, was the desire to talk, to tell; his hands were pfted in mid-air.他心中重新燃起那个迫切的欲望,想要谈话,想要倾诉;他的两只手举到半空中。

6.I felt as if I were flying through mid-air. Suddenly I was afraid and wanted to quit, and my soul came back.我感觉好像在半空中飞行,突然间我感到害怕并想离开那里,于是我的灵魂就回来了。

7.It was not the longest route downhill I had experienced but naturally I was a bit nervous about hanging in mid-air.这不是我经历过的最长的下山的路线,但在半空悬着的时候我不由自主的有些紧张。

8.Tens of thousands of whiskered terns congregate in mid-air. On the direction of their leader, the flock dives from a great height at speed.上万只的黑腹燕鸥,在天空集结,领袖一声令下,黑腹燕鸥群由高空高速向下俯冲。

9.But instead of him placing the flower in my hand, he held it mid-air without reason or plan.可是他没有把花放到我的手里,而是无缘无故将花举到半空中。

10.The initial sweetness floated her in the mid air, but she had to stand on the ground with both feet after all.最初的甜蜜,让她在半空中悬浮和飘游,可是,人们的双足,却终究是要踏在地面。