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网络释义:米格(Micromega);熔化极惰性气体保护焊(Metal inert gas);熔化极氩弧焊




n.1.a high-speed high-altitude fighter aircraft built in Russia

abbr.1.mortgage indemnity guarantee

1.米格(Micromega)米格MIG)-29战斗机是俄罗斯米高扬和格列维奇设计局推出的第三代超音速战斗机,该机于70年代开始研制, 1977 年首次 …

2.熔化极惰性气体保护焊(Metal inert gas)铝合金熔化极惰性气体保护焊(MIG)的亚射流过渡方式具有弧长调节作用强、焊缝成形美观的优点.本文从非线性动力学近似熵测 …

3.熔化极氩弧焊熔化极氩弧焊mig)适用于中厚板,直流反接(阴极清理氧化膜).mig焊和co2焊设备雷同,但电源该是不一样的,co2成型不 …

4.熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊mig),也称熔化极气体保护电弧焊(gmaw).是制造业中的一种关键技术。本书详细地介绍丁 …

5.熔化极气体保护焊同问熔化极气体保护焊MIG)的工作原理是怎样的。 2009-03-01 13:01 平常心0808 | 分类:工程技术科学 氩气我有更好的答 …

6.移动互联网事业群(Mobile Internet Group)讯移动互联网事业群(MIG)1 月24 日再次传出拆分重组的消息,据称相关决定或于近日正式宣布。消息人士称,该部门或将面临 …


1.Yonhap said the North Korean aircraft appeared to be a MiG-21 jet.韩联社认为朝鲜的这架飞机看上去像米格-21型战斗机。

2.Unfortunately, during the course of this engagement, he would himself be shot down by a third MiG fighter.不幸的是,在这次交战中,他自己是被第三架米格战斗机击落的。

3.Liu embankment people took command, driving his MiG-15 into space to meet the enemy, the enemy of Sanghunlabo recovery.刘玉堤让人代行指挥,自己驾驶米格-15上天迎敌,把敌机追得丧魂落魄。

4.Screams stealthy MiG-31 - I wonder if this bird could be powered by a pair of older tech Soloviev D-30F6 engines. . .隐形版米格31-我怀疑两台老技术的D-30F6发动机能给这鸟提供动力嘛?

5.A high-speed video camera was used to acquire MIG welding arc shape with additional longitudinal alternating magnetic field.利用高速摄像装置拍摄外加纵向磁场作用下的MIG焊接电弧,对电弧形态的变化进行研究。

6.Iraqi Mig and Mirage fighter planes were used in the 1988 gas attack on the Kurdish city of Halabja, which killed up to 5, 000 people.伊拉克的米格和幻影战斗机曾用于1998年对库尔德人城市哈莱布杰的毒气攻击,5000人因此丧生。

7.Penetration status is an important criterion to evaluate the weld quapty of laser-MIG hybrid welding in gapped butt welding.激光-MIG复合对接焊中,熔透状态是反映焊缝成形质量的重要指标。

8.Their systems to meet the gas requirements of the protection of MIG arc welding performance requirements.要求其系统满足气体保护熔化极电弧焊的性能要求。

9.A pair of Skyraiders even shot down a MiG-17 "Fresco" jet fighter which was foopsh enough to engage in a head-on attack.甲对Skyraiders甚至击落一架米格17“壁画”飞机战斗机是愚蠢到进行正面攻击。

10.AC pulsed MIG welding is formed by adding a pulse rework current and a negative current.采用交流脉冲MIG焊工艺,焊接过程电弧更加稳定,焊缝表面成形美观。