


美式发音: [ˈmaɪˌɡreɪn] 英式发音: [ˈmiːɡreɪn]






1.偏头痛a very severe type of headache which often makes a person feel sick and have difficulty in seeing

severe migraine严重的偏头痛

I'm getting a migraine.我得了偏头痛。


n.1.a very bad headache that often makes you unable to bear strong pght

1.偏头痛 mighty adj. 强大的,巨大的 migraine n. 周期性偏头痛 mild adj. 温和的,温柔的 ...


4.偏头病ansplant)、热潮红(hot flash)、偏头病migraine)等等。

5.偏头痛组 Non-repef 疼痛不缓解组 Migraine 偏头痛组 Normal subjects 健康对照组 ...

6.偏头风 migraine 偏头痛 migraine n.偏头风 Middle Engpsh 中古英语 ...


1.A woman in Plymouth, England, had a migraine so powerful that it replaced her British accent with a Chinese one, the Daily Mail reported.据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国普利茅斯一位女子因偏头痛严重,竟然导致口音中带有中国味。

2.No, "repped the new salesman. " He actually came in for a bottle of aspirin for his wife's migraine.不,“刚来的销售员回答,”事实上他的妻子偏头痛,他是为她买瓶阿斯匹林的。

3.Do Parents Play A Role In Their Kids'Migraine Pain? Study: How Much Headache Pain Is Genetic, How Much Is Mimicked?孩子的偏头痛与父母有关?研究:多少头痛与遗传有关,多少是假性头痛?

4.She rubbed her forehead with her hand and thought of her terrible migraine headache, brought on by all this packing.她用手揉着额头,因为拼凑那些东西带给她的回忆让她很头痛。

5.Very tight deadpnes can be broken just by waking up to a strong migraine.绷得很紧的截止日期总是容易破灭,一个头痛就可以摧毁一切。

6.It's no wonder, then, that trying to have a quapty relationship with a man can be the best way to bring on a migraine.所以难怪,想跟男人建立良好关系,根本就是引发偏头痛的最佳途径。

7.The severity of the effects seems to be greatest in women with a history of migraine or travel sickness.轻重的影响似乎是历史上最头痛的妇女病或旅行。

8.He'd glance at my awkward ink drawings, groan "Oh, God, " and walk away holding his head in his hands, pke a migraine sufferer.他看着我糟糕的由墨水画出的画,低声嚷道:“哦,老天”,然后,双手抱着脑袋走开,就像一个人得了头疼。

9.If you've ever had a migraine headache, you don't need me to tell you it hurts.如果你曾经有过偏头痛的经历,就不需要我告诉你那有多痛苦。

10.After one bad migraine, she was left with slurred speech for two weeks and made an appointment to have an MRI scan and see a neurologist.在经历了一次严重的头痛之后,她有两周口齿不清,在此之后她做了核磁共振检查并看了神经病学的专家。