

help out

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第三人称单数:helps out  现在分词:helping out  过去式:helped out  同义词





na.1.to help someone, especially by doing a particular job or by giving them money

1.帮助 washer 洗衣机 help out 帮助;帮助(某人)解决困难 ptre 升(容量单位) ...

2.帮忙 13、Every inch: 完全地 1、Help out: 帮忙 2、Get to be: 变成 ...

3.帮助解决困难 washer 洗衣机 help out 帮助;帮助(某人)解决困难 ptre 升(容量单位) ...

4.协助 help oneself 自助 help out 救助,协助(渡过难关) Without charge. 免费的 ...

5.帮助克服困难 gently adv. 温柔地;柔和地 help out 帮助克服困难 pale adj. 苍白的,灰白的 ...

6.帮助解决问题 heavy date 重要的约会. help out 帮助解决问题 help yourself 请自便 ...

7.帮助解决难题 hospital: 医院 help out: 帮助解决难题 turns on: 打开 ...

8.帮个大忙 She has a face that kills. 长得非常漂亮 help out 帮个大忙 find out 打听,查明真相 ...


1.You are the most down - to - earth boss I have ever known. May your strong and capable hands be always ready to help out.您是我认识最务实的老闆。愿您强壮能干的双手,随时准备好助人一把。

2.The veteran Welshman wants to play on for another season and would also be happy to help out his national side with off the field advice.这名经验丰富的威尔士人希望能再踢一个赛季,同时他也很乐意给他的国家队一些场下建议。

3.She also invited Digong help out in any case, help her with her inquiries into the whereabouts of her husband Prince Edward.她还请狄公无论如何帮帮忙,帮她打听到丈夫太子的下落。

4.The sidekick was never as smart or handsome or brave as the hero but he was always there to help out in times of danger.而这个朋友总是没有那个英雄那么聪明、英俊和勇敢,但是每当发生危险的时候,他总是在那里全力相助。

5.Bear had been the only big firm that refused to help out Long-Term Capital Management, a hedge fund that came close to the brink in 1998.贝尔是唯一一家拒绝帮助“长期资本管理公司”摆脱困境的大公司,后者曾是在1998年濒于崩溃边缘的对冲基金。

6.By asking (begging) China to help out with North Korea, the US is showing weakness to China, North Korea and our alpes in Asia.美国在中国、北朝鲜以及我们的亚洲盟友面前露怯了。

7.After doing these and reporting back to your former executive assistant, she asks you to help out gobpn miners at a nearby cave.干完这些事然后回去找你的前执行助理,她会叫你去帮助附近一个洞窟里的地精矿工。

8.Mr. Brown also said he hopes to reach agreement with the Spanish government on Monday to use their, so far unaffected, airports to help out.布朗还说,他希望周一与西班牙政府达成协议,用西班牙目前尚未受到影响的机场帮助解决困难。

9.We need lots of volunteers to help out with the New Year Party. If you are available, please contact Kelly Shang.新年晚会极需义工帮忙。如果您能提供援助,请跟尚业敏报名。

10.Unless the West, including America, is prepared to help out on a large scale, he will be under pressure to go slow.如果西方包括美国准备大规模帮助时,他将受到压力而放慢步伐。