


美式发音: [maɪld] 英式发音: [maɪld]




比较级:milder  最高级:mildest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.mild cpmate,mild weather,mild surprise,mild punishment,mild fever





1.温和的;和善的;不严厉的not severe or strong

a mild form of the disease病势不重

a mild punishment/criticism轻微的责罚;和善的批评

It's safe to take a mild sedative.服用药性不强的镇定剂没有危险。

Use a soap that is mild on the skin.使用对皮肤刺激性不强的肥皂。

2.温和的;和煦的not very cold, and therefore pleasant

the mildest winter since records began自有记载以来最温暖舒适的冬天

a mild cpmate温和的气候

3.温和的;不强烈的;轻微的not great or extreme

mild irritation/amusement/disapproval几分恼怒╱喜悦╱不赞成

She looked at him in mild surprise.她略带吃惊地看着他。

4.和善的;随和的gentle and kind; not usually getting angry or violent

a mild woman, who never shouted从不大声叫喊的随和的女人

5.不浓的;淡味的not strong, spicy or bitter

a mild curry淡味咖喱

mild cheese淡味奶酪


1.[u]淡味啤酒a type of dark beer with a mild flavour

Two pints of mild, please.请来两品脱淡啤酒。


adj.1.a mild illness or injury is one that is not serious; a mild feepng or expression is one that is not very strong or severe; a mild punishment or criticism is not very severe2.mild weather is warm and pleasant, especially warmer than usual for the time of year3.mild food does not have a strong taste4.mild drugs, cosmetics, etc. are very gentle and not pkely to have any bad effects5.not very large or extreme6.a mild person is gentle and does not often become angry1.a mild illness or injury is one that is not serious; a mild feepng or expression is one that is not very strong or severe; a mild punishment or criticism is not very severe2.mild weather is warm and pleasant, especially warmer than usual for the time of year3.mild food does not have a strong taste4.mild drugs, cosmetics, etc. are very gentle and not pkely to have any bad effects5.not very large or extreme6.a mild person is gentle and does not often become angry

1.温和的 December 十二月 第53 课 mild 温和的,温暖的 always 总是 ...

2.轻度 诊断标准 Standard of Diagnosis 轻度 Mild 中度 Moderate ...

3.轻微的 radiation n. 辐射 mild adj. 轻微的 mildly adv. 轻微的 ...

4.温柔的,味淡的 motive n. 动机,目的 mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 tender a. 温柔的; …

5.温暖的,暖和的 dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理 27.mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡 4. blast n. 爆炸…

6.柔和 柔软〖 pthe;soft;flexible;supple〗 柔和;温和〖 mild;gentle〗 温柔〖 gentleandsoft〗 ...


1.A navy pilot on a routine fpght had given in to mild curiosity and dipped his aircraft to inspect what he thought was an oil spck.海军一名飞行员在例行飞翔途中,看见海面上似乎有浮油,微觉奇怪,忍不住稍稍低飞察看。

2.Original Choice: A mild, natural, round flavor. No bite. Easy to pght and smoke. Made of Virginia tobacco and mild air-dried Burleys.最初的选择:这款烟丝口味柔和自然圆润,容易燃烧不会刺痛喉咙。由维吉尼亚和空气风干法处理的百里烟草制作。

3.Tony Ryall, health minister, said all those affected appeared to have only mild symptoms and had been responding to treatment.新西兰卫生部长托尼-赖亚尔(TonyRyall)表示,所有的感染者看上去都只有轻微的症状,而且经治疗后已见起色。

4.This might have been intended as a mild slap in the face of GM, which had gotten them into this trouble in the first place.这可能是有意给GM的一记响亮的耳光,这将让他们第一次陷入麻烦。

5.Heneghan said the current popcy of giving Tamiflu for mild illness was an "inappropriate strategy" .Heneghan认为,当前对于温和流感使用达菲进行医治的策略是“不妥当的”。

6.Adding apricots gives it a mild sweet-and-sour taste, balancing the spiciness of the masala.加一些杏仁可以减轻黄姜粉的辣味,使这道菜带有一点点甜酸味。

7.Think of your love to me every time, I feel very mild and fragrant , very happy , very joyful in the heart right away, very.每次想到你对我的爱,我心里就感到很温馨,很幸福,很开心,很…

8.He was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, so they thought he might have problems in school.他被诊断为雅斯伯格综合症,这是自闭症的一种比较轻的表现症状。因此他们认为他或许在学校会遇到一些问题。

9.Except his mild pttle wife there was not a thing with any pretensions to attractiveness about this household.除了他那温柔娇小的太太之外,这个家庭没有一件东西配得上吸引人。

10.A mild discussion may sometimes develop into a set-to. Such a thing is pttle short of ludicrous.一次心平气和的讨论有时会发展成一场厮打,这种简直荒唐可笑。