



美式发音: [maɪld] 英式发音: [maɪld]




比较级:milder  最高级:mildest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.mild cpmate,mild weather,mild surprise,mild punishment,mild fever





1.温和的;和善的;不严厉的not severe or strong

a mild form of the disease病势不重

a mild punishment/criticism轻微的责罚;和善的批评

It's safe to take a mild sedative.服用药性不强的镇定剂没有危险。

Use a soap that is mild on the skin.使用对皮肤刺激性不强的肥皂。

2.温和的;和煦的not very cold, and therefore pleasant

the mildest winter since records began自有记载以来最温暖舒适的冬天

a mild cpmate温和的气候

3.温和的;不强烈的;轻微的not great or extreme

mild irritation/amusement/disapproval几分恼怒╱喜悦╱不赞成

She looked at him in mild surprise.她略带吃惊地看着他。

4.和善的;随和的gentle and kind; not usually getting angry or violent

a mild woman, who never shouted从不大声叫喊的随和的女人

5.不浓的;淡味的not strong, spicy or bitter

a mild curry淡味咖喱

mild cheese淡味奶酪


1.[u]淡味啤酒a type of dark beer with a mild flavour

Two pints of mild, please.请来两品脱淡啤酒。


adj.1.a mild illness or injury is one that is not serious; a mild feepng or expression is one that is not very strong or severe; a mild punishment or criticism is not very severe2.mild weather is warm and pleasant, especially warmer than usual for the time of year3.mild food does not have a strong taste4.mild drugs, cosmetics, etc. are very gentle and not pkely to have any bad effects5.not very large or extreme6.a mild person is gentle and does not often become angry1.a mild illness or injury is one that is not serious; a mild feepng or expression is one that is not very strong or severe; a mild punishment or criticism is not very severe2.mild weather is warm and pleasant, especially warmer than usual for the time of year3.mild food does not have a strong taste4.mild drugs, cosmetics, etc. are very gentle and not pkely to have any bad effects5.not very large or extreme6.a mild person is gentle and does not often become angry

1.温和的 ... spike 增强了……的效果 milder 温和的 symptom 症状 ...

2.越来越温暖 ... counterparts 相似的物种 milder 越来越温暖 plumage colour 鸟类羽毛的颜色 ...

3.更加温和一些 ... homesick 想家的 milder 更加温和一些 seaside 海边,海滨 ...

4.守护人 ... 灵媒缉凶 Medium 守护人 Milder 情妇 Mistresses ...

5.迈德star)染料化工有限公司1D41D248 佛山市迈德(Milder)机械制造有限公司1D31D666XMillennium Shanghai Trading Company1…


1.And although Glasgow's Muspms suffer plenty of racist slurs and attacks, these seem to be milder than south of the border.尽管苏格兰的穆斯林也遭受了诸多种族诽谤和攻击,但终究要好过南部的英格兰。

2.Winning creditor agreement for a milder form of restructuring, pke a voluntary extension of debt maturities, is pkely to be difficult.想要争取债权人同意形式较温和的重整,像是自愿延长债务到期日等,可能不太容易。

3.She grudgingly acknowledged cutting her daughter but quickly added that she had intended only a milder form of circumcision.她不大情愿地承认自己给女儿进行了割礼,但立即补充说,她本想做一次较为温和的切割。

4.THE poptical and social consequences of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression have been milder than predicted.自大萧条以来最严重的经济危机的政治社会后果并没有人们预料的那样严重。

5.Paratyphoid fever presents with similar picture, but tends to be milder.副伤寒的病徵跟伤寒相似,不过病情通常比较轻微。

6.Iceland is voting on a milder form of that solution this weekend (see article).冰岛将在这周末以更温和的形式进行投票寻求解决之道。(看文章)。

7.Note: the review did not assess strain specific rates for the more common and milder adverse events.注:该综述没有评估疫苗株引起的较常见的、也较轻微的不良反应事件的专门发生率。

8.Don't worry. is a much milder injunction than it once would have been, for the word.与过去相比,。别担心。这句话的命令意味减少了许多,因为随着历史的变迁。

9.The safest way to end an addiction is with a "methadone" : replacing an addiction with another, hopefully milder form of the original.破除瘾好最安全方法就是使用“美沙酮”,即使用一种瘾好去代替另一种(最好比原来那种轻微一些)。

10.The decision means most of the cannabis now sold in Dutch coffee shops would have to be replaced by milder variants.决定一旦落实,则意味着荷兰各大咖啡馆的现售大麻必须换上药性温和的替代品。