


美式发音: [ˈmɪlkˌmeɪd] 英式发音: ['mɪlk.meɪd]






1.(旧时的)挤奶女工(in the past) a woman whose job was to take milk from cows and make butter and cheese


n.1.an old word meaninga woman whose job is to milk cows

1.挤奶女工 4.immediately 立刻;立即、 1。milkmaid (旧时的)挤奶女工 2。pail 桶 ...

2.挤奶的妇女 milking 挤奶 milkmaid 挤奶的妇女 milkman 牛奶商 ...

3.挤牛奶的女孩 炊烟 Cooking smoke 挤牛奶的女孩 Milkmaid 吃奶的小牛 Milking ...

4.牛奶帮手ksmuseum博物馆, 借了幅维米尔所绘的一幅[牛奶妹](milkmaid)的画参与展出, 这是一幅荷兰国宝级的世界名画, 上次来美展出 …

7.倒牛奶的女人转变为更为个人化和平凡化的主题。例如维梅尔的《倒牛奶的女人》(Milkmaid)就描绘了一名普通的女仆正准备去做她每天 …


1.She was no longer the milkmaid, but an essence of woman-a whole sex condensed into one typical form.她不再是一个挤牛奶的女工了,而是个女性精华--从全体妇女里凝炼出来的一个典型仪容。

2.I just want to tell you how much I love your Milkmaid Tea.我只是想告诉大家我是多么羡慕这款下奶茶。

3.A milkmaid was going to the market. She carried her milk in a pail on her head. As she.一个挤牛奶的小姑娘将要去市场。她把牛奶顶在她的头上。

4.She was no longer the milkmaid, but a visionary essence of woman - a whole sex condensed into one typical form.她不再是一个挤牛奶的女工了,而是一种空幻玲珑的女性精华——是全部女性凝聚而成的一个典型形象。

5.'But if it should reach the ears of your friends at Emminster that you are walking about pke this with me, a milkmaid--'但是如果传到爱敏寺你家里的人的耳朵里,说你这样和我散步,和一个挤牛奶的姑娘——

6.but in Angel's mind was the face of the pretty milkmaid who hardly ever thought of God.但安吉尔的心被一张漂亮的面孔占据了,就是那个几乎从没有想起过上帝的挤奶女工的面孔。

7.The milkmaid and her pail 1. A milkmaid was going to the market. She carried her milk in a pail on her head. 2.挤奶员何她的小桶1一个乡村女孩去集市,她头顶着一同牛奶。

8.She was hired as a milkmaid in that farm.她被雇佣为那个农场的挤奶女工。

9.A milkmaid was going to the market . She carried her milk in a pail on head .一是要到市场挤奶女工,她把她的头一桶牛奶。

10.She finally heard that a dairyman some miles to the south needed a good milkmaid for the summer.终于,她听说往南几英里的一个奶场主这个夏天需要一名熟练的挤奶女工。