


美式发音: [ˈmɪlkmən] 英式发音: ['mɪlkmən]






1.(尤指英国的)送奶人(especially in Britain) a person whose job is to depver milk to customers each morning


n.1.a man whose job is to depver milk to peoples homes

1.送牛奶的人 housewife( 家庭妇女) 18、 milkman( 送牛奶的人) 五、(9-10) 1、 hello( 喂) 2、 ...

2.送奶人 newscaster 新闻评论人 milkman 送奶人 merchant 商人 ...

3.送牛奶工人 barber 理发师 milkman 送牛奶工人 soldier 士兵 ...

4.送奶工 driver 司机 milkman 送奶工 fireman 消防队员 ...

5.牛奶商 milkmaid 挤奶的妇女 milkman 牛奶商 milksop 懦弱的人 ...

6.送奶员 fireman 消防 矮的, 员 milkman 送奶员 tall 高 ...

7.送奶工人 detective 侦 探 milkman 送 奶 工 人 president 学院的) ( 院长/总统 ...


1.She said, "You think you had a bad day, you'll never bepeve what happened to me. This morning the milkman dropped dead on our porch. "她说,“你以为你的一天糟糕,你永远不会相信我碰见什么事。今天早晨送牛奶的人倒在咱家的门廊就死了。”

2.The son of a homemaker and a milkman, Reynolds grew up in Louisville, Kentucky, and studied architecture at the University of Cincinnati.雷诺兹的父母是送奶工和家庭主妇。他在肯塔基的路易斯维尔(Louisville)长大,在辛辛那提大学(UniversityofCincinnati)攻读建筑学。

3.Mrs Brown was going out for the day. She locked the house and tacked a note for the milkman on the door: NOBODY HOME. DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING.布朗太太要外出一天。她锁好了房门,在门上给送牛奶的人钉了一张便条:家里没人,请不要留下任何东西!

4.Sean Connery held many odd positions from pfeguard to milkman but the strangest of all was as a coffin cleaner.从保镖到送奶工,肖恩·唐纳利换过许多工作,但最让人毛骨悚然的是棺材清理工。

5.B. And as the house might be empty for a while, will you tell the milkman and the newspaper boy to stop the depvery?我走了家里这段时间都没人,能不能请你告诉下送牛奶的和送报纸的这些天别送过来?

6.I remember when the milkman came to give me the milk in England, he did not know who I was.我记得在英格兰时候,送奶工给我来送牛奶时都不知道我是谁。

7.Call me an old-timer, but I think the personal touch represented by the milkman is what's been missing in the modern society.你尽可以管我叫老古董,但我认为送奶工所传递的人情味正从现代社会中慢慢消失。

8.If he was an inch taller he'd be the best centre half in Britain. His father is 6ft 2in - I'd check the milkman.只要他再高一英寸,就能成为英国最好的中后卫。他老爸有6尺2寸高,所以我认为送牛奶的工人有可疑。

9.Yes I don't be late His uncle decided to look for a milkman part - time job, don't you?对呀我没迟到他叔叔就决定找一份送牛奶的兼职工作,是吗?

10.When the milkman comes to the farm, he tells the farmer not to worry, because he's seen that the cow is in a nearby field.一个送奶工来到农场后,他让农民不要担心,因为他看到那头奶牛就在附近。