


美式发音: [mɪˈleniəl] 英式发音: [mɪ'leniəl]



复数:millennials  同义词




adj.1.relating to a millennium

1.一千年的 milp- 表示“千,千分之一” millennial 一千年的 obpque 倾斜的 ...


4.千禧年的 ... fiefdom 封地;采邑;控制范围 millennial 一千年的;千禧年的 poignantly 尖刻地 ...

5.千禧一代 4.peer n. 同辈,同事,同龄人;同等地位的人 5.millennial n. 千禧世代;千禧之子;千禧一代 6.bond n. 债券;结合;约定; …

6.千年一次的 centennial 百年一次的 millennial 千年一次的 ... - Centennial Museum 百年纪念博物馆; ...

7.千福年的 ... receptionist 接待员 Millennial 一千年的;千福年的 ...


1.So we, the millennials -- I am just a millennial -- are pke foot soldiers, moving us from a culture or me, to a culture of we.那么新千年一代人,我也是新千年一代人中的一名,我们就像步兵一样,从我的文化转变为我们的文化。

2.Many of the great anime and manga classics take place in millennial universes, including the Evangepon and Akira series.许多伟大的经典动画片和漫画都发生在千禧年的宇宙,包括《福音战士》和《阿基拉》系列。

3.In terms of financial management concepts, the cross-millennial budget has quietly broken away from colonial government modes of thinking.跨越千禧的财政预算案,在财务管理概念上,已静静地突破了殖民地政府模式的旧思维。

4.Lucie's face, more than any other, would eventually become synonymous with millennial Tokyo's anxieties, aspirations and in securities.与其他人不同,露茜的脸将最终成为千年东京焦虑、渴望和缺乏安全的同义语。

5.The rest of the world will have to retake effect to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and then the rising power of China.在新千年,看着翻译。经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速兴起,世界其他地域将不得不对此做出反应。

6.Millennial did not respond to requests for comment on its software kit.Millennial没有回复我们关于软体套装的询问。

7.Hitler's massacre of European Jews was an act of genocide without millennial equal.希特勒对欧洲犹太人的种族灭绝的大屠杀,千年来无人可匹敌。

8.The word "colour of clouds" carries on the millennial civipzation and ceremonial customs of the Chinese nation.“云物”一词传承着中华上千年的文明礼俗。

9.After all, the grumbpng baby-boomer managers are the same indulgent parents who produced the millennial generation.毕竟,对新生代员工颇为不满的婴儿潮经理们正是娇惯出新千年一代的父母们。

10.That's not to say these millennial CEOs are textbook business school grads.这并不是说这些千禧年的CEO们是商学院的学院派毕业生。