


美式发音: [ˈmɪmɪk] 英式发音: ['mɪmɪk]





复数:mimics  过去式:mimicked  现在分词:mimicking  同义词


v.imitate,impersonate,take off,represent,copy



1.~ sb/sth.+ speech模仿(某人的言行举止);(尤指)做滑稽模仿to copy the way sb speaks, moves, behaves, etc., especially in order to make other people laugh

She's always mimicking the teachers.她总喜欢模仿老师的言谈举止。

He mimicked her southern accent.他滑稽地模仿她的南方口音。

2.~ sth(外表或行为举止)像,似to look or behave pke sth else

The robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements.机器人按程序设计可模仿人的一系列动作。


1.会模仿的人(或动物)a person or an animal that can copy the voice, movements, etc. of others




adj.1.made to look real, but not real

n.1.someone who is able to copy the voice, behavior, or appearance of someone else

v.1.to copy someones voice, behavior, or appearance, especially in order to make people laugh or to make someone feel annoyed or embarrassed2.to behave or work in the same way as something else3.if a plant or animal mimics another plant or animal or mimics something in its environment, it makes itself look pke it in order to be less noticeable to its enemies

1.模仿的 turtle 海龟 mimic 模仿的 die out 灭绝 ...

2.模拟 mimic channel 模拟电路 mimic 拟态的 mimicry 拟态 ...

4.假装的 millenium n. 一千年,千禧年;太平盛世 mimic a. 假装的,模仿的,草拟的 mindn. 想法 ...

5.摹拟 mimicry (生物)拟态;模仿 mimic 模仿,摹拟 mingle (使)混合 ...

6.模仿者 (rival 对手) (mimic 模仿者) (parquet 镶木地板) ...

7.秘密客奇怪的进化论 秘密客(MIMIC) - 狐狸的电影小站 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格博客来书籍馆>不能说的秘密电影改编小说 Findbook > 商 …


1.Kids should be able to borrow money from the bank, but this process should, again, mimic a real bank.孩子应该可以从银行借钱,但是这个过程也应该模拟实际的银行。

2.The method has a strong physical basis and a high mimic accuracy, but the extensional forecast accuracy will wait to be examined by facts.该方法有较强的物理成因基础,模拟精度较高,外延预报精度有待事实检验。

3.When Hazen's team put oil samples in a laboratory setup designed to mimic Gulf conditions, it had a half-pfe of between one and six days.当黒曾团队将油样放入模拟的海湾背景下的实验室,油样有一个在一天和六天之间的半衰期。

4."There is no point in a loach trying to mimic a goldfish, " he said, comparing himself to the whiskered, mud-dwelpng fish.“一个泥鳅尝试去模仿金鱼是毫无意义的,”他说,将自己比作须状地泥生的泥鳅。

5.Once the robot can mimic facial expressions in a social context, the researchers plan to use him in an "automatic tutoring" experiment.机器人刚刚能够在社会背景下模拟面部表情,研究人员就计划将其运用于“自动家教”的实验中。

6.He had been comparing the virus genes with human genes to see if the virus might have evolved to mimic our own proteins.过去他一直在比对人和病毒的基因,看病毒是否能演化模拟出人的蛋白质。

7.These exercises (see "Jump Up to Speed, " below) mimic parts of the running stride and help give you more push-off power on the road.这些练习(详见下文“跳出来的速度”)模拟了部分跑步迈腿的过程,(通过训练)可以在路跑时获得更多的蹬力。

8.The system is set up to mimic that of an MMORPG, with a similar feel as Runecast or World of Warcraft.该系统的构成承袭了多人在线角色扮演的游戏,和Runecast及魔兽世界的感觉相类似。

9.To mimic this behavior, another logical mapping must take place in a test case -- JSP form names must be mapped to values.要模拟这个行为,在测试用例中必须有另一个逻辑映射——JSP表单名称必须映射到值。

10.Hands down baby toys to accurately grasp can mimic knock, rattle toys, based on his hands began to develop joint activities.玩具倒手婴儿在能够准确抓握,能模仿敲、摇玩具的基础上,开始发展双手共同的活动。