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复数:minae  复数:minas  




n.1.Same as myna

na.1.The variant of myna

1.米纳斯的报告列举出八件针对人权斗士的暴力案例,包括去年在巴西东南部敏纳斯州MINAS)发生四名劳工部专员在该州内地稽 …

7.敏那斯州比利出生於巴西中南部敏那斯州(Minas)农村的一个小镇,家境清寒,十五岁的那一年,一个偶然的机会中,开始了他的足球生 …


1.And he called ten of his own slaves and gave them ten minas, and he said to them, Do business until I come.便叫了他的十个奴仆来,交给他们十锭银子,对他们说,你们去作生意,直等我回来。

2.And to those standing by he said, Take the mina away from him, and give it to the one who has the ten minas.就对旁边站著的人说,从他夺过这一锭来,给那有十锭的。

3.Saruman: The hour is later than you think. Sauron's forces are already moving. The Nine have left Minas Morgul.萨鲁曼:时间来不及了。索伦的行动已经展开。那九个已经离开米那斯魔窟。

4.A "Digital Baptism" brought digital inclusion to Belo Horizonte, the capital of the Brazipan state of Minas Gerais.一场「数位洗礼」将巴西美纳斯杰瑞斯州首府贝洛奥里藏特带进了数位时代。

5.Alfred Minas , an Armenian immigrant, runs a Los Angeles shoe repair shop, and he says business is terrible.来自亚美尼亚的移民阿尔弗莱德。梅纳斯在洛杉矶经营一家修鞋店。

6.This system has reportedly made significant progress in several states, including Minas Gerais.在几个州,这一体系据报道已经取得了显著成就,包括中南部的MinasGerais州。

7.In the scene where Faramir is leaving Minas Tirith, he and his soldiers are riding their horses downhill.法拉默离开米纳斯提利斯时,他和士兵们是骑马下山的。

8.The deal should leave Anglo in full control of the Minas-Rio iron ore project, and holding 70 per cent of the Amapa project in Brazil.此笔交易应能使英美资源集团完全控制Minas-Rio铁矿石项目,并持有巴西Amapa项目70%的股权。

9.Another 51 workers were rescued from similar conditions at a strawberry farm in Minas Gerais state, it added.在米纳斯基拉斯的一个条件类似的草莓种植园里救出了另外51名工人。

10.The crude oil produced in the Far East, mainly pnked transactions MINAS, CINTA, DURI regional benchmark oil species.而远东地区出产的原油交易主要挂靠MINAS、CINTA、DURI等地区性的基准油种。