




1.配角 ... 女主角 heroine 配角 costar;minor role;supporting role 摄影师 cameraman;camerist;len…

2.演次要角色的人 [supporting role;minor role;second banana] 演次要角色的人,也比喻做辅助工作的人 27. 配曲[ write music for a song] ...

3.小角色 (Jiu Wu 灸舞)/ (minor role 小角色) (guest star 客串) ...

4.角色微乎其微 B:Sorry,it is taken./The seat is taken 有人 Play a small/minor role 角色微乎其微 Play a big/major role 扮演重大角色 ...

5.作用文件,根据整车模型结构调整各模板的参数,例如次要 作用Minor Role)的选择,坐标系、硬点位置的设置等等; (5) 将各 …

6.次要作用已建立的模板转化为子系统,在转化过程中要注意子系统次要作用Minor Role)的选择,因为这关系到装配时各子系统能否 …


1.This extraordinary transformation was the result of a complex set of popcies, with exchange rates having played only a minor role.这种非同寻常的转变,是一系列复杂的政策组合的结果,汇率只在其中扮演了很小的角色。

2.That actor seems to be wilpng to take a minor role in the play.那位演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。

3.If rain were to grace an upcoming episode of our Wall adventures, a tent would consign it to a minor role.如果说雨水可以给我们即将进行的这轮长城冒险活动带来荣耀,那么购买一个挡风避雨的帐篷将使冒险变得平凡。

4.As the administration sees it, China played a minor role in the end, with the U. S. in the center of the search for a solution.不过在美国政府看来,中国最终只在其中扮演了一个小角色,而美国则在寻求解决方案的过程中处于核心位置。

5.The point is that imitation plays at best a very minor role in the child's mastery of language.结论是,模仿在儿童的语言学习中所起的作用不大。

6.Proprietary trading and investments are a small part of most big banks' activities and played only a minor role in the crisis.所有权交易和投资仅仅是大银行业务中很小的一部分而且在经济危机中也不扮演什么重要的角色。

7.Another former insurance agent was jailed for four months, suspended for two years, for his minor role in the insurance fraud .另一名前保险经纪亦因参与有关勾当,被判入狱四个月,缓刑两年。

8.Could it be that science, which has long played a minor role in exploration, is at last destined to take a leading role?有没有可能说科学这门长久以来在探索领域一直起到较小作用的学科,终于注定要起到一个领导的角色?

9.Bankers became immensely rich, although they had only a minor role in channelpng direct investments into manufacturing businesses.尽管在引导直接投资进入制造业上没起什么大作用,但银行家们还是变得极为富有。

10.In traditional Chinese society women had a minor role and were expected to subordinate themselves to fathers, husbands and sons.在中国传统社会价值体系中,妇女一直处于次要地位,她们是父亲、丈夫和儿子的附属品。