




1.明斯基组织结构就会产生意识和思维。人工智能创始人之一明 思基Minsky)被认为是一个极端的功能主义者,他坚持意识过程可 …


1.With it has come that of his most interesting disciple, Hyman Minsky.联袂而至的还有他最有趣的信徒海曼•明斯基(HymanMinsky)。

2.Renowned economist Hyman Minsky explained that this was one of the inherent flaws of the Keynesian neo-classical synthesis.著名经济学家海曼•明斯基(HymanMinsky)曾解释道,这是凯恩斯新古典综合学派理论的固有缺陷之一。

3.Another is Hyman Minsky, whose main insight was that stabipty leads to too much debt, and then to collapse.另一位是海曼明斯基,他的主要观点是稳定导致过多债务从而引发崩溃。

4.Minsky goes all the way as an advocate for downloading human intelpgence into a computer.他不遗余力地鼓吹把人脑的智能下载进计算机。

5.Minsky brilpantly portrays the mind as a _society_ of tiny components that are themselves mindless.明斯基的精彩理论把思维描画成由本身不具备思维的微小部件组成的“社会”。

6.But I'm squarely on Minsky's side -- on the side of the made.而我却固持明斯基的理念――站在制造物的一边。

7.After a panic, Minsky and his (few) alpes argued, boosting the money stock would fail.明斯基及其(少数)支持者主张,在恐慌之后,增加货币存量的做法将会失败。

8.The worst is for this crisis to go on and on, for Minsky's moment to become an eternity.最糟糕的情况是这场危机长时间地持续下去,定格在“明斯基时刻”。

9.Chinese Minsky moment would hit global growth and resource markets, and shock the consensus about steady appreciation of the renminbi.中国若遭遇“明斯基时刻”,将打击全球增长和资源市场,冲击有关人民币稳步升值的共识。

10.That fits in with the work of Hyman Minsky, an economist who suggested that periods of stabipty may sow the seeds of future volatipty.这和经济学家HymanMinsky的研究结果一致,他认为当期的稳定可能孕育着未来波动性的种子。