


美式发音: [maɪˈnutli] 英式发音: [maɪˈnjuːtli]










adv.1.very carefully and with a lot of attention to details2.to a very small extent3.into a very small shape or very small pieces4.<archaic>every minute or minute by minute1.very carefully and with a lot of attention to details2.to a very small extent3.into a very small shape or very small pieces4.<archaic>every minute or minute by minute

adj.1.<archaic>of something that happens every minute or minute by minute

1.详细地 minute 分 minutely 详细地 minuteness 微小 ...

2.每分钟 [everyday;daily;each day] 天天 [minutely] 每分钟;每一时刻 [everywhere] 到处,各处 ...

3.每分钟地 midst n。 中间 minutely ad。 详细地,精密地,每分钟地 mirror n。 镜子, …

4.精密地 minuscule a 极小的,微小的,细微的 minutely ad 详细地,精密地 mission n 使命,任务,天职 ...

5.每分钟的 ... minutely 每分钟的 minutely 每分钟地 ...

6.详细的 group 团体 minutely 详细的 aggrandize 增大 ...

7.每时每刻 ... 每日〖 everyday;daily;eachday〗 每时每刻minutely〗 每岁孟夏〖 theearlysummereveryyea…


1.Surface plate: Offset printing plate on which the image area is minutely above the surface of the non-printing area.表面版(平凸版):印纹部部分稍为凸起,略高于非印纹部分的柯式印版。

2.His town-hall meeting in Shanghai was minutely controlled, with handpicked youth cadres bused in to ask handpicked questions.他在上海举行的市政厅会议,每一个细节都受到控制,精心挑选的青年干部坐着包租的巴士前来会场,向他提出精心挑选的问题。

3.it was a superb moonlight night, and the shadows of the graceful china-trees lay minutely penciled on the turf below.这是一个美丽的月夜,优雅的楝树的树影,密致地洒落在下面的草坪上,如铅笔画的一般;

4.I reached forward, without thinking, to touch his folded hands, but he slid them away minutely, and I pulled my hand back.我向前伸出手,不假思索地,想要触碰他交叠着的双手,但他不着痕迹地把手移开了,我只好把手收回来。

5.Stop to inspect minutely every cigarette end, piece of used chewing gum, dirty tissue and dead insect along the way.沿途停下来仔细检查路上的每一根烟屁股,每一片口香糖,每一片脏兮兮的废纸和死昆虫。

6.Remember that we have prepared for this minutely, ensuring the best possible outcome for all in this event of cosmic proportions.记住我们已经为这时刻准备着,确保这个巨大范围内的事件有一个最好的结果。

7.Stationed at a high-spec kitchen observed at all angles by TV cameras, the chefs' movements are minutely scrutinised.在配置齐全的厨房里,各个角度都放置着电视摄像头,大厨们的一举一动都被详细拍摄下来。

8.At last, this article minutely explains the design and realization of Web page layout, data base and application program of our system.最后对系统的主要页面、数据库、应用程序的设计与实现作了较为详细的讲解。

9.If do not enter oneself car Ting car, the " maintain a road of 1 yuan of " expends minutely " wanting a flower " .如果不把自己的车停入车位,每分钟要花“1元”的“养路费”。

10.sheath scar corky, initially with a fulvous, tomentose, minutely setose ring.鞘痕木栓质,具一黄褐色,被绒毛,微小的刚毛的环的最初。