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1.微小核苷酸NA变成蛋白质的过程中,有一种具有22个核苷酸的「微型核醣核酸」(miRNA)扮演抑制、调控最后生成蛋白质数量的关键 …


1.A number of miRNA genes were shown to be located in fragile regions of the human genome that are associated with cancer 8.研究结果证实,许多microRNA基因存在于那些与癌症有关的人类基因组脆弱区域。

2.If the miRNA levels were too high or too low, the gene would not switch on, and the cell would not be killed.如果miRNA级别太高或者太低,这种基因就不会被激活,当然细胞也不会被杀死。

3.However, if a miRNA biomarker fingerprint can be estabpshed, a more accurate assessment would be more pkely.然而,如果一个microRNA指纹库得以建立,更准确的评估将变得可能。

4.The mature miRNA is incorporated into an RNA-induced silencing complex that binds to a target messenger RNA (mRNA).成熟microRNA与目标mRNA结合,形成了RNA诱导的基因沉默复合体。

5.A sera-miRNA fingerprint was determined for colorectal cancer as well.血清microRNA指纹同样能很好地诊断结肠癌。

6.MicroRNAs(miRNA) are a new class of noncoding RNAs, which are encoded as short inverted repeats in the genomes of animals and plants.微RNA是新发现的一类非编码RNA分子,在动植物细胞中广泛表达,它的基因是短的反向重复序列。

7.This binding activity allows microRNAs to silence the expression of select genes in a targeted manner.这种结合活性使得miRNA得以定向沉默目标基因。

8.Kaplan-Meier survival curves were constructed using mean miRNA expression (high vs low) as threshold and compared by log-rank analysis.平均微RNA表达水平(高表达vs低表达)作为阈值形成卡普兰-迈耶存活曲线与时序分析形成的阶梯曲线加以比较。

9.Through various techniques, numerous groups have gone on to show that different cancer types have distinct miRNA profiles.应用各种不同的技术,许多研究小组一直在试图寻找不同癌症的特异性microRNA表达谱。

10.Meanwhile, these studies show that analyzing miRNA levels in serum is a promising area for identifying biomarkers of cancer.同时,这些研究也证实,血清microRNA的测定是一个检测癌症生物学标志物很有前途的领域。