




1.镜像服务器),它是线上提供服务给使用者的资料库伺服器,与一部镜像资料库伺服器(Mirror Server),它复制主体资料库资料并负责待命。

4.影子伺服器 他又设计了所谓的“虚拟实质伺服器 Virtual Reapty Server” 和“影子伺服器 Mirror Server” 或“影子网站 Mirror Site” ...


1.Some SET PARTNER options can be set on either partner; others are restricted to the principal server or to the mirror server.有些SETPARTNER选项可在任一合作伙伴上设置;而其他选项则仅限于在主体服务器或镜像服务器上设置。

2.Specifies the network address for the mirror server of a mirrored pair whose principal server is at the next_hop_address.指定镜像对的镜像服务器的网络地址,镜像对的主体服务器位于next_hop_address。

3.Forcing service is possible only if the principal server is disconnected from the mirror server in a mirroring session .仅当主体服务器在镜像会话中与镜像服务器断开连接时,才能强制服务运行。

4.The login of every user of the database must be manually defined on the mirror server and on the principal server.必须在镜像服务器和主体服务器上手动定义数据库每个用户的登录名。

5.When this statement is issued, the mirror server does not try to contact any other server instance.发出此语句时,镜像服务器不会尝试联系任何其他服务器实例。

6.The data access provider downloads the name of the current mirror server, Partner_C, and caches it as the current failover partner name.数据访问接口下载当前镜像服务器Partner_C的名称,并将其缓存为当前故障转移伙伴名称。

7.When the mirror server becomes sufficiently caught up to the principal server , the mirroring state changes to SYNCHRONIZED .当镜像服务器与主体服务器几乎保持同步时,镜像状态将更改为SYNCHRONIZED。

8.When the mirror server becomes sufficiently caught up to the principal server , the database state changes to Synchronized .当镜像服务器与主体服务器几乎保持同步时,数据库状态将更改为“已同步”。

9.The method for estimating roll forward time during failover depends on the number of threads the mirror server uses during the redo phase.估计故障转移过程中的前滚时间所用的方法取决于重做阶段中镜像服务器使用的线程数。

10.The mirror server takes over the role of principal server and brings its copy of the database onpne as the principal database.镜像服务器将接管主体服务器的角色,并使其数据库的副本在线以作为主体数据库。