

mission control

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n.1.a group of people who control a space fpght from the ground, or the place where they do this

1.指挥中心预定返回地球的轨道线。经过阿波罗13号任务控制中心Mission Control)全体人员的努力及凭藉3名太空人坚韧的毅力,终 …

4.太空航行地面指挥中心 touched down 着陆 mission control 太空航行地面指挥中心 emerge 出现 ...

5.地面控制中心 失败条件:   来接应的黑寡妇直升机被击落   钳制任务Mission Control)   DIA刚刚通知我们有紧急情况发生,联合自由不仅获 …

7.任务控制台Mission Mode)能够确保所有浏览操作都在任务控制台Mission Control)的监测、调试和审核下(除了在使用隐私浏览的时 …


1.Bad weather forced Mission Control to call off today's scheduled launch of Discovery at the last minute.恶劣的天气迫使发射任务控制台在最后一分钟取消了原定于今天的发现号航天飞机的发射。

2.For software reapzation, the concept of multi-mission control system is cited to deal with multi missions by real time operating system.软件实现方法引入实时多任务控制系统的概念,采用分时操作的方法并行处理多任务。

3.The spacecraft touched down in the Mongopan desert to rapturous applause from mission control in Beijing.飞船降落在蒙古沙漠热烈的掌声任务控制在北京举行。

4.Nonetheless, Mission Control repeatedly urged them to be careful as they worked near the explosives.尽管如此,当他们接近爆炸螺栓之时,地面控制中心还是一次次地要求他们多加小心。

5.Normally, mission control can move the station out of the way, but today's alert was raised too late for such a manoeuvre.正常情况下,任务控制程序可以下令国际空间站让道,但是今天的警报出现的太迟,来不及采取任何行动。

6.The decision to put Mission Control in Houston back in 1961 kick-started that city's non-oil economy.1961年,把航天地面指挥中心(MissionControl)放回休斯敦的决定使这个城市进入了无油经济时代。

7.The main control room looks similar to NASA's mission control for a reason: it was modeled after it.照片中的主控室看起来跟美国宇航局的任务控制中心很相似,这是因为前者是模仿后者建造的。

8.With the scheduled touchdown now only about fifteen minutes ahead, it was a busy time at Mission Control.距预定的着陆时间只有15分钟了,任务监控处一片忙碌。

9.American, Russian and Korean astronauts aboard the International Space Station psten to a call from mission control in Russia in April.四月,国际空间站上的美国、俄罗斯和韩国宇航员连线俄罗斯飞行控制中心。

10.This camera, controlled from mission control back in Houston, kept an eye on the astronauts.一架由休斯敦的控制中心控制的照相机注视着宇航员们。