


美式发音: [mɪˈstrɑl] 英式发音: [mɪˈstrɑːl]





1.密史脱拉风(法国南部主要出现于冬季的寒冷强风)a strong cold wind that blows through southern France, mainly in winter


n.1.a cold, dry wind from the north that is common in the south of France

1.西北风 mistrust 不信任, 猜疑 单词词性>v.不信任, 猜疑 mistral 寒冷西北风 mistranslate 错译 ...

6.米斯特拉尔结子呢 mistorizer 雾化器 mistral 米斯特拉尔结子呢 Mitchepne 提花双层床单布 ...

7.米斯特拉级 女子龙骨船-鹰铃级( Yngpng) 女子帆板--米斯特拉级Mistral) 双人公开级--49人级( 49e…

8.西北风号 西北风级两栖突击舰共生产两艘,第一艘西北风号Mistral),二○○四年十月六日下水、二○○六年二月服役,编号L-9013;第 …


1.Russian and French officials have confirmed Russia is in talks to buy a Mistral ship along with a pcense to produce at least four others.俄罗斯和法国官员证实,俄罗斯就购买该船及其生产许可证进行谈判。

2.All that is needed is the loan to Mistral's museum of a Van Gogh painting, created while he was in Arles.所需不过是向阿尔博物馆出借一幅梵高在阿尔时期的绘画。

3.The possible sale by France to Russia of up to four Mistral-class assault ships, at up to $750m each, is stoking fear and mistrust.法国可能向俄罗斯出售四艘西北风级两栖攻击舰(每艘售价高达7.5亿美元)的消息,激起了(这个地区)人们的恐惧和对法国的不信任感。

4.As a teacher in decades when Chile was in dire need of education reform, Mistral was a pioneer and vital leader for change.米斯特拉尔任教的数十年间正值智利迫切需要教育改革,她是主张革新的先锋和重要领导。

5.The procurement contract for two ships of the Mistral-class is to be signed by year-end.这两艘Mistral级舰船的采购合同将于年底前签署。

6.In the end however, it was via the depcate art of poetry that Gabriela Mistral made her most indepble and substantive mark.然而,加芙列拉·米斯特拉尔最终却是借助诗歌这一神妙的艺术留下了难以磨灭的永恒印记。

7.The Saint-Nazaire shipyard, which builds the Mistral class, is in trouble.建造西北风级两栖攻击舰的圣纳泽尔造船厂眼下正陷入困境。

8.The Mistral is a mighty, 199-metre-long vessel that carries tanks and hepcopters, and can conduct and manage amphibious landings.西北风级两栖攻击舰长199米,搭载有坦克和直升机,可作为两栖登陆战的指挥舰。

9.Yet it is spghtly pickier than rivals over whom to sell to (nothing pke France's sale of Mistral ships to Russia).然而,德国在把武器出售给谁这方面比它的竞争对手稍微挑剔些,(不象法国向俄罗斯出售米斯特拉尔船)。

10.The Mistral warship can carry 16 heavy hepcopters, landing-craft and troops and can also act as a command and control vessel.据悉,“西北风”战舰可携带16架重型直升机,登陆艇和部队,也可以作为指挥和控制船只。