





2.太阳神密特拉斯人和古印度人, “密特拉” 神在印度吠陀中分化为密多罗(Mithra),后来又在佛教中分化为弥勒(Maitreya);而古波斯宗教 …



1.Some Romans, particularly soldiers and government officials, also worshipped Mithra, the sun god.有些罗马人,特别是士兵和政府官员,也崇拜波斯的太阳神密特拉。

2.The Magi belong to the story of Mithra, a deity of the ancient Persians, originally a personification of the sun.东方三博士是属于密特拉的故事,一个古波斯的神,起源于太阳的人格化。

3.It is bepeved that to this small but powerful sect, the birthday of Mithra, December 25th, was the hopest day of the year.这支规模很小但很有势力的宗教相信,密特拉的生日,十二月二十五日是一年中最神圣的日子。

4.Eventually, Mithra became more miptant, and he is best known as a warrior.最终,密特拉变得更加好战,他被认为是一位战士。

5.So too was the Persian derivative Mithra, who was a "benevolent god" and the bestower of health, wealth and food.那样,从波斯语衍生出的密特拉,是一个“仁慈的神”,健康、财富和食物的赋予者。

6.When the Iranians separated from their Indian brethren, Mitra became known as "Mithra" or "Mihr, " as he is also called in Persian.当伊朗从他们的印度兄弟同胞分离出去的时候,密多罗变成了“密特拉”或“美赫”,波斯人也这样叫他。

7.Included in this astrotheological development was the re-emphasis on Mithra's early Indian role as a sun god.事实上,在这种互为借鉴的神学发展中,密特拉早期在印度是强调他的太阳神角色。

8.For some Romans, Mithra's birthday was the most sacred day of the year.对于一些罗马人来说,密斯拉的生日一年中最神圣的日子。

9.It was bepeved that Mithra, an infant god, was born of a rock.据信,密斯拉神是一个婴儿神,出身于岩石中。

10.The worship of the Indo-Persian god Mithra dates back centuries to millennia preceding the common era.印度—波斯的神密特拉的崇拜仪式,要回溯到基督纪元之前数百年,乃至一千年。