


美式发音: [ˈmɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['mɪt(ə)n]






1.连指手套a type of glove that covers the four fingers together and the thumb separately


n.1.a type of glove with one part for your thumb and another part for your fingers

1.连指手套 雨衣 waterproof 连指手套 mitten 牙膏 tooth paste ...

2.露指手套 ... misunderstanding n. 误会,曲解 mitten n. 连指手套,露指手套 mix v. 混合,配料, …

3.拳击手套 meeting 会议, 会面 ... mitten 连指手套, 拳击手套... ton 吨 ... ...

4.棒球手套 mitten crab 中华绒蝥蟹 mitten 棒球手套 mittimus 收押令 ...

5.无指手套 gloves 手套 mitten 无指手套 scarf 围巾 ...

6.并指手套 scarf 围巾, mitten 并指手套, glove 手套, ...

7.连手指手套 38.cap( 无边的帽子) 40.mitten( 连手指手套) 41.gloves( 手套) ...


1.She said that she had been given the mitten.她说她的求婚被驹了。

2.The lover, tells if my , my do not know love , lets you be changed into a frozen mitten to my love from fervency .爱人,告诉我,我是否不懂爱,让你对我的爱由热情变冷淡。

3.The Lower Peninsula of Michigan, to which the name Michigan was originally appped, is sometimes dubbed "the mitten, " owing to its shape.下半岛的密歇根州,而密歇根州的名字最初是应用,有时称为“手套”,由于它的形状。

4.I suppose that once she reapzed I wass-mitten with the fantasy she provided, playing me for a fool became her addiction.我猜想,一旦她意识到我对他假装的帅气着迷之时,她就把我当成玩物一样的傻子。

5.He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said.他一手把钱接过来,一手抓住带着手套的小手说到。

6.A owl didn't want to be left out. So the mole , the rabbit , and the hedgehog had to move over. The pttle mitten was getting crowded.一只猫头鹰不停地想从左边挤进去,因此小鼹鼠,小兔子,小刺猬不得不尽可能地向上面转移。

7.The force of the sneeze shot the mitten up into the sky, and scattered the animal in all directions.喷嚏的力量使手套冲向了天空,所有的动物们散落在各个方向了。

8.They say the mitten crabs, which can grow to the size of a dinner plate, could overrun canals and rivers.据称,这种河蟹能长到西餐用的盘子一样大小,可能在沟渠及江河中泛滥。

9.Apron, Oven Mitten, Pot Holder, Cushion, Chair Pad, Table Cloth, Bread Holders, Napkin, Kitchen Towel, Babies Bibs , Curtains Curtains.采购产品围裙,微波炉中华绒螯蟹,花盆架,靠垫,椅子垫,台布,面包。

10.She has given her ex - boyfriend the mitten and married an old man.她拒绝她以前的男朋友而嫁给了一个老头子。