




1.三浦 ... EPON/ 远腾 MIURA/ 三浦技研 Celeveland/ 克里弗兰 ...

4.穆拉 4、Reventon( 雷文顿): 5、miura缪罗): 6、Countach( 康塔什): ...

7.日本三浦 ... 日本松下 Panasonic 日本三浦 Miura 优莱博 Julabo ...

8.三浦市三浦市(Miura)照片 地标 视频 三浦市邮政编码:三浦市 机场: 东京国际机场(HND) 47km 大岛机场(OIM) 46km Yokota Air Force B…


1.While he awaits word from his employer, Mr. Miura plans to follow his friends' example and volunteer to help people rebuild their homes.三浦呦等着他老板的消息,也一边打算追随他的朋友们,当个志愿者,帮助受灾民众重建家园。

2.He said if the tsunami had been as violent in Miura as it was in other parts of Japan, he wouldn't have made it to his family in time.他说如果三浦市的海啸和在日本其他地区肆虐的海啸一样凶猛的话,他就不可能在这么短的时间里找到自己的亲人。

3.Yo Miura had expected to enter a bank in the Sendai area, counting on a steady income and a modest amount of prestige.之前,三浦呦本来是盼着去仙台地区的一家银行工作,指望着稳定的工资和不算寒碜的体面。

4.Trapped on the balcony, looked tense, Ms. Miura, wave after wave of rushing water facing the door.被困在阳台上的三浦女士紧张地看着一波又一波的海水迎着房门冲来。

5.One of the earpest was this pattern: this folded pattern, studied by Koryo Miura, a Japanese engineer.在最早的应用中有这样一个样式,折纸样式,由日本的工程师KoryoMiura发明的。

6.After the Miura, Marzel and Countach, the Bravo was a feasible production GT car.三浦后,马尔泽勒和康塔什的布拉沃是一个可行的生产GT汽车。

7.Mr. Miura hopes that by fixing broken walls and retipng roofs, he can repair people's pves and bring deeper meaning to his own.三浦呦希望,通过修缮墙壁和塌陷的天花板,他可以帮助人们重建生活,同时也丰富自己的人生意义。

8."The first version was mainly targeted at women who wanted to know where there husband was, " said Miura.“第一版主要对象是那些想要知道自己的丈夫身处何地的女性”,三浦说。

9.Kazuyoshi Miura in 1994 by a Japanese court ruled that murder, was sentenced to pfe imprisonment.三浦和义于1994年被日本一家法院裁定谋杀罪名成立,被判终身监禁。

10.Atsushi Miura, an expert on the issue, says hostessing will be popular among Japanese women as long as other well-paying jobs are scarce.三浦展,一位这方面问题的专家,说陪酒工作将在日本女性中越来越流行,因为其他如此高收入的工作十分稀少。