




1.嗯 Ohmmmm 噢 mmmm hush 嘘 ...

2.妹妹妹妹 ... P4 Muffins? 小松饼呢?(不在盘子里了。 ) 3 P2 Mmmm ... ……(好香啊! ) P3 Muffins. 小松饼(被一只 …

4.山... ... 山 mmm mmmm 山岗 mmmm ...

5.深蓝幽梦 共有110张图片 ying0111018 18:39 深蓝幽梦 mmmm 【爱美记】 妹子的福地 ajhjyug564211 ...

6.格式化自己 爱 ulzzang 9-18 格式化自己 mmmm 8-28 小姐 Murder ...


1.The Three Broomsticks - Sort of pke a bar, this shop serves the best Wizarding drinks around (Butterbeer, Mmmm! ). Owned by Madam Rosmerta.三把扫帚—罗丝莫塔夫人开的酒吧,销售最好的巫师饮料(黄油啤酒,唔啦啦!)

2."Mmmm, " she nodded. She leaned back and took a long, slow sip, savoring the dark roast. "I understand it's a rather unique coffee. "“嗯~~,”她点了一下头,接着向后一靠悠然地品了一口那黑色的咖啡。“对,这是一种非常独特的咖啡。”

3.preparing for an israep attack on Iran ai? mmmm The chess pieces begin to move. . .为以色列攻打伊朗做准备??奶酪开始动了…(真相帝?)

4.Mmmm. But Colleen's been an enormous help with your business now and also your pfe, and in fact she's grounded you on many levels.科林对你现在的事业和你的生活是一个巨大的帮助,实际上她在许多方面为你打下基础。

5.[Opening the pttle bottles] Mmmm. They smell nice.(打开小瓶子)嗯。很好闻。

6.Licorice, mmmm. If there's anything I'm a sucker for, it's pcorice.甘草精,嗯,如果说我尝出了什么,那就是甘草精的味道。

7.Marge Simpson: Mmmm, best kiss of my pfe.这是我平生中最好的一吻。

8.I know it was sound effects but mmmm, that face. Grrr. Very sexy. . . er, playful.我知道那声音是合成的,但你的表情非常性感有趣。

9.Fresh from the farmer's market, or berries picked straight from the bush. Mmmm.新鲜的农贸市场,或者直接从布什摘浆果。

10.Mmmm. . . yep, I feel much better now.嗯,是的,我现在感觉好多了。