


美式发音: [ˌem em 'es] 英式发音: [ˌem em 'es]


网络释义:彩信(Multimedia Messaging Service);多媒体信息服务;多媒体讯息



1.(手机)多媒体消息服务,彩信业务(全写为 Multimedia Messaging Service)the abbreviation forMultimedia Messaging Service (a system for sending colour pictures and sounds as well as short written messages from one mobile/cell phone to another)

an MMS message多媒体短信

He sent me an MMS.他给我发了条彩信。

n.1.a system that enables sounds, images, or animations to be incorporated into text messages sent, usually, from cell phones.

1.彩信(Multimedia Messaging Service)彩信设置: 信息-菜单-工具-选项 里面打开彩信(MMS) 彩信中心设置 新建 输入相关参数 网关: 端口号:9201 服务器地 …

2.多媒体信息服务多媒体信息服务MMS),就如同它的名字所隐含的意思,就是要在一个消息上下文中提供丰富的内容给用户。具备MMS客户 …

3.多媒体讯息多媒体讯息功能:可将图像、影片、文字和录音档案结合成多媒体讯息 (MMS) ,发送至兼容手机或个人电脑;或制成投影片简 …

4.多媒体短信  多媒体短信(MMS): 发送携带语音和图像信息的短消息。  因特网服务提供商服务: 提供互联网内容服务。

5.多媒体简讯 结合多媒体简讯(MMS)传送E-card给user – 希望user收到简讯直接打开, 由我们程式开始拨放 多媒体效能与跨平台之间的最佳 …

6.多媒体讯息服务(Multimedia Message Service)如需多媒体讯息服务 (MMS) 的可用性及申请资讯,请洽询您的服务提供商。资讯不正确。


1.Jimo Responding to the report, had passed through technical means to delete the paragraph video, and began to investigate the source of MMS.即墨警方接报后,已通过技术手段将该段视频删除,并开始着手调查彩信的来源。

2.At a White House press briefing, Mr Obama criticised the "scandalously close" relationship between oil companies and the MMS.在白宫的新闻发布会上,奥巴马指责石油公司与矿产资源局的关系“亲密得不像话”。

3.Since the blowout, the Obama administration has reorganized the regulatory apparatus to give it greater independence.自漏油事件发生后,奥巴马政府重组了MMS并赋予了该委员会更多的独立性。

4.The data processing of MMS system can only survey coordinates or distance on stereo images which are obtained by CCD cameras in MMS system.MMS系统的数据后处理只能在CCD相机摄取的立体影像上进行坐标及距离量测。

5.Then choose how you'd pke to share it: in an email or MMS message, on the web, in a MobileMe gallery, or on YouTube.然后选择你想分享它的电子邮件或MMS讯息,在网路上,在一个:在MobileMe的画廊,或者在YouTube上。

6.MMs can be used to control the propagation of electromagnetic waves resulting in novel electromagnetic phenomena.利用超常介质可以控制电磁波的传播方式,产生新奇的电磁现象。

7.Mobile reportedly is still in the fledgpng stage, and its main MMS and WAP websites using two models.手机报目前还处于起步阶段,其主要有彩信和WAP网站浏览两种使用模式。

8.Also under scrutiny is the Minerals Management Service (MMS), the part of the Department of Interior that oversees offshore drilpng.同时接受彻查的还有隶属于内务部的美国国家矿产局(MMS),它的工作正是监督海底钻探。

9.MMS is awkwardly tasked both with issuing permits for the industry and with regulating it.MMS机构尤为尴尬,因为它既负责颁发(石油)行业执照又管理该行业。

10.Do not overdose. You may not smell the MMS and might imagine that nothing is happening.不要过量,这样你将闻不到MMS的气味,并且可以设想什么也没有发生。