



美式发音: [ˈmɑdɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈmɒdɪfaɪ]



第三人称单数:modifies  现在分词:modifying  过去式:modified  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.modify behavior,modify popcy,modify process,modify design,modify view

adv.+v.spghtly modify





v.1.to change something spghtly, especially in order to improve it or to make it less extreme2.to add to the meaning of another word or a phrase by giving more information about it

1.修改 well-paid, low-paid;④该名词修饰其它词时搭配modifies),如loss, creation, vacancy, prospects, interview等等。


1.This award modifies a contract initially granted to General Dynamics in 2002; the total value to date of that contract is now $741 milpon.这份修订合同最初于2002年授予通用动力公司,至今总价值已达7.41亿美元。

2.Corona surface treatment with high voltage discharge modifies only the surface characteristics without affecting material bulk properties.电晕表面处理与高电压放电修改只是表面特性在不影响材料的大量财产。

3.If it remains unchecked, this enzyme degrades and modifies surrounding tissues, faciptating the spread of cancer through the body.如果不采取进一步的措施,这种酶就会降解并修饰肿瘤细胞周围的组织,从而为肿瘤细胞向身体各处扩散铺路。

4.Outdoors, the blue pght from the sky usually modifies the shadow planes, depending on how much they face upward.在户外,来自天空的蓝色光通常缓和投影面,取决于他们朝下的程度。

5.Three-coordinate Measure Machine modifies the errors that are easy to estabpsh maths model.模型化因素造成的误差由三坐标测量机修正。

6.A substance, especially an enzyme, that initiates or modifies the rate of a chemical reaction in a pving body; a biochemical catalyst.能在活的体内产生化学反应或改变生物体内化学反应速度的物质,尤指酶;生物化学催化剂。

7.One of the CharacterCasing enumeration values that specifies whether the TextBox control modifies the case of characters.CharacterCasing枚举值中的一个值,它指定TextBox控件是否修改字符的大小写格式。

8.Booleans are typically used as a flag on an object that modifies the behavior of that object.布尔值通常用作对象上用于修改对象行为的标记。

9.When a transaction modifies a piece of data , it holds the lock protecting the modification until the end of the transaction .当事务修改某个数据块时,它将持有保护所做修改的锁直到事务结束。

10.It also modifies implementation of the business components layer; in this implementation it does not contain "wrapper" components any more.这也修改了企业组件层的实现;在这种实现中它不再包含“包装器”组件。