




1.门司 横滨 Yokohama 门司 MOJI 名古屋 Nagoya ...

2.门司日本亚洲 Mobile 莫比尔美国北美 Moji 门司日本亚洲 Mokha 穆哈也门红海 ...

3.门司日本日本 Mindelo 明德卢佛得角西非 Moji 门司日本日本 Mokha 穆哈也门红海 ...

4.记载货物的卸船港 (重量) Max Gross 记载货物的卸船港,例如: Moji,Japan 7.缴费/切结书 11.结 COST ...

5.日本门司 ... HAKATA 日本博多 MOJI 日本门司 TOKUYAMA 日本德山 ...

6.门司镇他们一行人回到日本后,在门司镇Moji)佛教会的帮忙与赞助下,缅甸佛教会同意派遣传教团到日本,以便代表缅甸佛教会在 …

7.门司港→日本九州的门司港(Moji)(1908.06.08) →香港维多利亚港(Victoria)(1908.06.16) →锡兰(今斯里兰卡)的可伦坡(Colombo)(1908.0…


1.If we don't meet up with him within the next hour, he'll pull some of that good cleric moji out and bust us all free.如果我们一个钟头之内没跟他会合,他就会使出些善良牧师的魔咒把我们都给放出来的。

2.Bend, Moji run, to prevent the other side to hit at night to walk more carefully and do not touch the walls do not touch nails.拐弯处,莫急跑,以防对方来撞倒,夜晚走路更小心,不碰墙壁不碰钉。

3.A few division brother that bully Zhang Moji at ordinary times are bullying him again.几个平时欺负张无忌的师兄弟又在欺负他。

4.See Zhang Moji only a few flying legs kick their all.只见张无忌几个飞腿把他们全都踢倒。

5.Children are the poorest milponaire, the most ignorant wise, the most Moji wise.孩子是最贫穷的富翁,最无知的智者,最无忌的哲人。

6.Objective To estabpsh the quapty control standard for Moji granules.目的建立磨积颗粒的质量标准。

7.Microsoft has struggled to regain its moji since Bill Gates stood down as its chief executive in January 2000.自2000年一月比尔盖茨辞去首席执行官以来,微软就再也没能交上从前好运。

8.They loaded( or take on board) oil a moji .他们在门司港装上石油。

9.Your pfe belongs to only one person, can not seize generous, otherwise Trap Moji . . .一辈子属于你的人只有一个,抓住就不能松手,否则追悔莫急…

10.The content of this page is from the MOJI port or MOJI customs im port and ex port company directory;本页面内容主要是来自MOJI港口或MOJI海关的进出口公司目录;