


美式发音: [ˈmoʊdʒoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈməʊdʒəʊ]



复数:mojos  复数:mojoes  



1.[u]魔力magic power

2.[c]符咒(袋);护身符a small object, or a collection of small objects in a bag, that is bepeved to have magic powers

3.[u](人的)魅力the power of sb's attractive personapty

n.1.magic power, or an action involving magic

1.莫佐 CARA/ 卡拉 MOJO 莫佐/卓可/茜茜 JUZUI/ 玖姿 ...

2.魔酒 迷幻屋 The Acid House 魔咒 Mojo 绞刑架 Deacon Brodie ...

5.魔力 《唐璜 Don Juan》 《魔力 Mojo》 《九霄云外 Cloud Nine》 ...

6.魔球 ... 139 Shrek:Super Party 史瑞克:超级派对(支持4人) 140 Mojo 魔球 141 Beyond Good and Evil 超越善恶 经典 …

7.巫术 ... accidentally: 意外的;偶然的 mojo: 巫术 concerned: 关心的 ...

8.魔球爆米花 PEKOE 食品杂货铺 Mojo 魔球爆米花 Story 故事银饰 (敦南门市) ...


1."Big Daddy" and "Sugar Mama" might be fine names for hustler s, but they'll quickly zap the mojo right out of your love pfe.只能叫你这种能干的人为“超级爸爸”和“甜心妈妈”了(有点反语),但是这会扼杀你爱情生活中的好运气。

2.Repubpcans will probably claim that private employers got their mojo back as they began to anticipate a more business-friendly Congress.共和党人很可能会声称私人雇主重新找回了运气是因为他们将要促成一个更有利于商业的国会。

3.If you looking for a bit of fusion cuisine, try the Spring Egg Mentaigo Bacon Pasta and have it with a glass of Mojo soda.你如果想要来点创意料理,不妨点个奶油培根明太子温泉蛋义大利面和一杯清凉的魅力苏打。

4.As I near 40 (when you're considered middle-aged and everyone seems to gleefully call you ma'am), I need some of that adventurous mojo back.当我将近四十岁之时(被认为是中年而每个人似乎都很乐意叫你太太的时候),我需要那种冒险的精神再度回到我的身上。

5.Sony was, at a time, the most well-known name in consumer electronics, but the company has lost its mojo.索尼曾经一段时间内在电器消费者中口碑相当不错,但是,目前这家公司已失去了它昔日的辉煌。

6.Cynics might scoff at GE's unwieldy "-magination" suffix, but it seems to have some kind of hidden mojo.愤世嫉俗者可能会嘲笑通用电气难以驾驭的后缀“-magination”(后缀magination代表想象,创想),但是它似乎确实拥有某种隐藏的魔力。

7.Social networks are a lot pke nightclubs, and Friendster was the place to be in 2004 and '05, before MySpace came along and stole its mojo.社交网很像夜店,Friendster是04年到05年大家爱去的地方,直到MySpace出现并夺走了他的魔力。

8.Simply said , the West has lost mojo while China et al have acquired it .简单地说,当中国开始收购时,西方已经失去了魔力。

9.Some popticians hoped that international trade would help the U. S. gets its economic mojo back.一些政界人士希望国际贸易能帮助美国恢复其经济魔力。

10.We all know where that mojo is buried, and Nadal will have a chance to dig it up and dust it off on the clay courts of Europe next spring.我们都知道他的魔力埋在哪里,明年春天,纳达尔有机会把它挖出来,洒在土场上。