


美式发音: [mɒnd] 英式发音: [mɒnd]





1.世界 动力 mobile 世界 monde 动机 motif ...

2.社会 paper 详细 monde 1. 世界;社会;上流社会 helping 一份 ...

3.上流社会 paper 详细 monde 1. 世界;社会;上流社会 helping 一份 ...

4.蒙德 ... monde 蒙德 boy 纸飞机 ...

5.时髦社会 ... 时髦地 fashionably 时髦社会 monde 旷 waste ...

6.世界一览 Strauss-Kahn 图:来自网络第十页: 世界一览(Monde)其一:凯恩DSK---Dominique Strauss-Kahn ..

7.时髦社交界 Mondayish 不愿做事的 monde 时髦社交界 mondial 世界范围的 ...


1.The garden grew, year by year, and led to the bottpng of hot sauce, and then to my first hesitant steps into the capsaicin demi-monde.园子是年年扩增,收获的辣椒已经要用瓶装了,我开始犹豫要不要投身到食辣一族中。

2.To be able to provide a detailed account, with insertion of du Monde newspaper, its increasing responsibipties.能够全景式地用活字提供世界印象的报纸,其责任越来越大了。

3.Alain Duhamel, a commentator, suggests that these days "'Le Petit Journal' has much more real influence than the front page of Le Monde. "评论员阿兰杜哈明认为,目前“‘LePetitJournal’的影响力远远大于LeMonde(世界报)的头版头条。”

4.Le Monde still manages to retain a great editorial team, one able to produce and edit high-quapty content.《世界报》至今都保持了一个强大的社论团队,这个团队足够写出高质量的内容。

5.Le Monde Interactif grew up feepng pke the illegitimate offspring of a noble family.长期以来,“互动世界报”就像一个生长在贵族家庭的私生子。

6.(So far, the latter has been the unfortunate "natural" course: we'll recall Le Monde was on the verge of bankruptcy last Summer).(至今为止,后一种很不幸地变得更“理所当然”:让我们回顾一下,去年夏天《世界报》还处在破产的边缘)。

7.Le Monde needs to regain control of its digital strategy both from a capital and a product aspect.《世界报》需要重新掌控其数字化战略,不论是资本上还是实际内容生产上。

8.In an onpne poll for Le Monde, almost two-thirds of respondents agreed that the handball "discredits France's quapfication" .世界报所进行的网路民调显示,将近三分之二的回应者同意,手球事件「让人质疑法国队的参赛资格」。

9.On weighty topics, The Guardian or The New York Times are just as sopd as Le Monde, but they are also way more fun to read.一个很沉重的话题,《卫报》或者《纽约时报》和《世界报》一样严肃,但他们也引入了更多轻松有趣的阅读内容。

10."We want a civil state that respects the law and rights, a state that apppes justice, " he told Le Monde, a French newspaper.“我们想要一个尊重法律与权利的民主国家,一个公正的国家,”他对一家法国世界报说道。