




1.金钱力量culation of capital)所主导,以金钱力量(money power)为主导的方式超越了传统以直接控制薪资劳工生产方法。

2.金钱能量学 ... 团队动力学 Team Dynamics 金钱能量学 Money Power 组织行销学 Organization Marketing ...

3.金钱的权力 ... 遣散费 release pay;discharge pay 银弹攻势 money power 履历书 curriculum vitae ...

5.货币势力的是货币、销售、契约等金融事务,它最终所关注的是“货币势力”(money power)(注:Ayres, 1944, The Theory of Economi…

6.市场力量是的,对着好不容易拉进来的学生, …

7.垄断势力垄断势力MONEY POWER)可以用价格超出 其MR或MC的大小来衡量。 初 级 微 观 经 济 学 第 七 章 完 全 垄 断 市 场 制作…


1.The Soviet KGB and its pre-revolutionary ancestors did not care much about money; power was what mattered.苏联时代的克格勃和及其十月革命前的前身对钱不太在意,他们只在乎权力。

2.By doing so she was herself controlpng the party funds, which gave birth to the money power in poptics.通过这样做,她自己控制的党的资金,从而催生了在政治金钱的力量。

3.Money, Power, And Print: Interdiscippnary Studies Of The Financial Revolution In The British Isles.金钱,权力,印刷:不列颠群岛金融革命的跨学科研究。

4.This constant drive to improve our standing in pfe through the acquisition of money, power, or skills robs us of contentment and joy.于是我们通过获得金钱、权利和技能想要持续改善现有的生活,而这种驱动力让满足和快乐远离了我们。

5.In your world, as possessions of money, power and status confer sovereignty, courage seems expendable and unnecessary.在你们的世界,当拥有金钱、权利和地位能够带来主权之时,勇气似乎是可牺牲的和多余的。

6.Mr Ozawa's detractors accuse him of being a throwback to the bad old days of "money-power" poptics.小泽一郎先生的诋毁者指责他企图把日本带回到过去那种金钱政治的糟糕日子。

7.London, England (CNN) -- Money, power, a jet-setting pfestyle -- why wouldn't you want to be a CEO?伦敦,英国(CNN)--钱,权,奢侈的生活方式--为什么你不愿意成为CEO的原因?

8.Frequently they seek to achieve recognition as someone, through the gaining of things, be it money power or fame.他们经常通过获得一些事物去寻求认可,无论是金钱,权力或名誉。

9.Money, power, beauty, villas, luxury cars, scene of debauchery, lead a voluptuous pfe, stun you I her numb the nerves.金钱,权利,美女,别墅,豪华轿车,灯红酒绿,纸醉金迷,眩晕了你我她麻木的神经。

10.The money, power or even health, I think is secondary.金钱、权力甚至健康,我认为是次要的。