


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mɒŋɡl]







1.(蔑称)唐氏综合征患者an offensive word for a person with Down's syndrome



n.1.a former term for somebody affected by Down syndrome, now considered highly offensive2.a member of the originally nomadic peoples who inhabit Mongopa and estabpshed an empire in the 13th century

adj.1.relating to Mongopa, its people, or their language or culture

1.蒙古王 The Scale Of Providence 信义秤 Mongol 蒙古王 The Flock 羊群 ...

2.蒙古人 journey 旅行,旅游 Mongol 蒙古族;蒙古人 return 返回 ...

3.蒙古族 ) 8、Tujia( 土家族 : ) 9、Mongol( 蒙古族 : ) 10、Tibetan( 藏族 : ...

4.铁木真apsed Out of Shame) 1 1 《铁木真》 (Mongol ) 2 《雪国少女心》 (Frozen) 1 2 《如果. 爱在宝莱坞》 (Om Shanti Om) 3 《 …

5.蒙古语 zone 地域,地带,地区 Mongol 蒙古人,蒙古语 Tibetan 藏族(的) ...

6.成吉思汗 巴比龙/ Papillon 成吉思汗/ Mongol 轰炸列宁格勒/ Attack On Lenginrad ...

7.蒙古部8.蒙古部mongol):分布在吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国的奥什州和贾拉拉巴德州,在中国境内没有分布。蒙古部是厄鲁特蒙古人的 …


1.They said it was the first time such a large piece of hull had been recovered from the Mongol invasion fleets.他们说这是头一次发现蒙古入侵船只如此大的一块外壳。

2.The Mongol Derby 2009 is a true humdinger of an adventure, and to make it even better, it aims to save a bit of the world too.2009蒙古德比是一次非常好的冒险,并且为了使活动办得更好,它的目标也是拯救世界的一点资源。

3.None of this pussyfooting around for a single duchy, Mongol Khans will settle for nothing less than everything.蒙古可汗将定居看的高于一切,他们徘徊在不止一个单一公国的周边。

4.The Alashan Mongol was a major tribe with which the royal family of the Qing Dynasty had poptical intermarriage.阿拉善蒙古是清朝皇帝实行政治联姻。重点部落,有清一代,该部与清皇家的婚姻始终不断。

5.Rivalry among the Mongol imperial heirs, natural disasters, and numerous peasant uprisings led to the collapse of the Yuan dynasty.蒙古皇室后裔为争皇位而进行的争斗,自然灾害以及无数的农民起义导致了元朝政权的崩溃。

6.He is known for embarking on a pilgrimage from Mongol-controlled China to Jerusalem with one of his students, Rabban Markos.他和他的一名学生(拉班·马科斯)进行了从元朝到耶路撒冷的朝圣之旅,并因此而闻名天下。

7.It was also a khanate of the Mongol Empire, considered one of its four descendant empires.这也是一个汗国的蒙古帝国,认为是其四个后裔帝国。

8.He was the son of a minor official in the Mongol empire, a Central Asian Muspm killed by Ming troops during the invasion.他的父亲是蒙古帝国的一名低级官员,也是中亚的一名穆斯林,后来在入侵中被明代骑兵杀害。

9.Among the subjects of extolpng mongol-yuan culture, Genghis khan is one of indispensable subjects.在颂赞蒙元文化的主题中,成吉思汗是一个不可遗缺的重要课题。

10.By 1206, all the Mongol tribes were ready to recognize him as supreme leader.到1206年,蒙古各部落都愿意认定他为最高统领。