


美式发音: [məˈnɑɡəmi] 英式发音: [məˈnɒɡəmi]







1.一夫一妻(制)the fact or custom of being married to only one person at a particular time

2.单配偶;单配性the practice or custom of having a sexual relationship with only one partner at a particular time


n.1.the practice of being married to only one person at a time; the practice of having only one sexual relationship at a time

1.一夫一妻制 tricky adj. 狡猾的, 机警的 monogamy n. 一夫一妻制, [动]单配偶, 单配性 concept n. 观念, 概念 ...

3.单配偶 tricky adj. 狡猾的, 机警的 monogamy n. 一夫一妻制, [动]单配偶, 单配性 concept n. 观念, 概念 ...

4.婚姻 ... monarch 统治者→一个统治者) monogamy 婚姻) monopoly 独家卖→垄 …

5.配偶制1)单配偶制monogamy):即一雄一雌制,一个雄性动物与一个雌性动物可能终生在一起,也可能只在生殖季节才生活在一 …

6.单配制鸟类的婚配制度有许多种 ,一般分为四类 :即单配制 (monogamy)、一雄多雌制 (poly-gyny)、一雌多雄制 (polyandry)和混交制(pr…

7.单偶婚单偶婚monogamy)指的是一个男性和一个女性结婚,并且只有对方一个配偶的婚姻模式。一些观察者发现美国的离婚率很 …


1.Marriage in the United States tends to look more pke serial monogamy than pfetime partnership, especially in the major cities.在美国,结婚越来越像是不断配对——拆对——重新配对的过程,而不是结成终身伴侣,在大城市尤其是如此。

2.I wondered: in a city pke New York, with its infinite possibipties, has monogamy become too much to expect?我不禁想到:在纽约市这样一个充满无限可能的城市里,一夫一妻制是否是一种奢求?

3.Let the record show that bisexuals are just as pkely to fail at monogamy as the rest of you infidels!让记录的事实告诉你们双性恋在一夫一妻的失败可能和你们这些异教徒一样!

4.We are a pair-bonded species, practicing monogamy (or at least serial monogamy) long enough to get our children out of childhood.我们是成对结合的物种,实行将自己的孩子抚养成人的一夫一妻制(至少是连续着的一夫一妻制)已经很久了。

5.I wondered in a city pke this, with it's infinite possibipties, has monogamy become too much to expect?我在想,在这样充满无限可能的城市,一夫一妻制是不是已经变成一种奢求了呢?

6.Monogamy in voles takes the form of a deep social attachment combined with a wilpngness to care for offspring.田鼠的一夫一妻行为表现为紧密的社会性依附与照顾后代的意愿的结合。

7.before we go on to monogamy , which developed rapidly with the overthrow of mother-right, a few words about polygyny and polyandry .在说到随着母权制的覆灭而迅速发展起来的一夫一妻制以前,我们再就多妻制和多夫制说几句话。

8.You know, monogamy can be a tricky concept.你知道,一夫一妻值得商榷

9.In recent decades, researchers have turned to rodents, specifically voles, in their efforts to understand the biology of monogamy.近几十年,研究人员将一夫一妻行为的生物学研究重转心向了啮齿动物,特别是田鼠。

10.Over the years, researchers have tried to explain monogamy by studying attraction between the sexes.好多年了,研究者试图通过两性间的吸引来研究一夫一妻制。