




1.大富翁它的素材和结构都是基于着名的财产游戏“大富翁Monopoly game)”。“大富翁(Monopoly game)”使人做悦同时也使人惧怕 …


1.For instance, you may decide that 'four rhymes with 'poor and picture the pttle man turning his pockets out in the classic Monopoly game.例如你可能会让‘poor和‘four同韵,刻画一个年轻人在传统的赌博游戏中变得穷困潦倒。

2.Dude, marriage is the 'get out of lonepness free' card in the Monopoly game of pfe.好傢伙,婚姻是一夫一妻制生活的一张逃离孤单自由的牌。

3.economically, our instinct is to think that global economics works pke a Monopoly game: More money for you means less money for me.从经济学角度看,我们直觉认为全球经济像垄断一样作用;你钱多了就意味着我的钱少了。

4.During the late 1800s, pfe was becoming a bit pke a Monopoly game.在1800年后期,真实世界的生活就变得有点像大富翁一样。

5.My birthday when my friends gave me a basketball, books, as well as "Monopoly" game, we held a "get stool" games and puzzle games!我的生日的时候,朋友们送我篮球,书,还有“大富翁”棋,我们举行了“抢凳子”游戏和猜谜比赛!

6.Type a bit pke a Monopoly game!游戏类型有点像大富翁!

7.Some similar to the Monopoly game, throwing dice to walk onto the end is the victory.游戏有些类似于大富翁,扔骰子走路,走到终点就是胜利。

8.Small simple easy Monopoly game Operations Guide: Keyboard Control小巧简单轻松的大富翁游戏操作指南:键盘控制

9.Behavior and choice in dual monopoly game: new explanation of high medicine price双垄断博弈中的行为与选择——对药价虚高现象的一种新解释