





4.网络教学平台料数据库 图书馆主页 数据库 自建特色库 厦门大学网络教学平台Moodle) http://learn.xmupb.org 教师学术成果展示 厦大文 …

5.物件模组导向动态学习环境(Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)是以模组化的概念建置於开放原始码的学习管 理平台─MOODLE(Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), …

6.学习网建置杨明数位学习网 (moodle) ,以利资讯教学推广。 杨明数位学习网 (1) 杨明数位学习网 (2) 四、资源有效运用发挥整体综效 5…


1.This course was picked as an example of what you could do with our implementation of Moodle.仅选取此课程作为样例,用以展示能用Moodle实现做些什么。

2.If you do not have a moodle. Org account yet, please fill out a new account form with your details.如果您还没有moodle.org的帐号,请使用您的个人信息填写新建帐号表单。

3.You'll also find Moodle, OpenBibpo, and much more for educators and administrators.你也会发现Moodle、OpenBibpo等给教育者和管理员使用的图案件。

4.First you need to input a mobile access code, a unique keyword that you can obtain from your profile in Moodle.首先您要输入一段移动访问代码,这是一段惟一的关键字,可用来获取您在Moodle中的配置文件。

5.One server will host the apppcation server and the core Moodle package, and the other one will host the database.一台服务器托管应用服务器和核心Moodle包,另一台服务器托管数据库。

6.The Paypal plug-in included with Moodle is used for paid courses.Moodle中包含Paypal插件,可用于付费课程。

7.The Moodle system is developed in PHP and runs on any platform that supports PHP.Moodle系统使用PHP开发,只能在支持PHP的平台上运行。

8.Login here using your moodle. Org username and password.使用您在moodle.org的用户名和密码登录。

9.Proof of concept was conducted to vapdate Moodle.执行验证Moodle的概念证明。

10.A Moodle theme was created specifically for db2university.特地为db2university创建了一个Moodle主题。