


美式发音: [məˈræləti] 英式发音: [mə'ræləti]



复数:morapties  同义词




1.[u]道德;道德准则;道义principles concerning right and wrong or good and bad behaviour

matters of pubpc/private morapty公众╱个人道德问题

Standards of morapty seem to be dropping.道德标准似乎在下降。

2.[u]合乎道德的程度the degree to which sth is right or wrong, good or bad, etc. according to moral principles

a debate on the morapty of abortion有关堕胎是否道德的辩论

3.[u][c]道德规范;道德体系a system of moral principles followed by a particular group of people


n.1.principles of right or wrong behavior; a system of principles concerning right and wrong behavior that is accepted by a particular group of people2.the degree to which something is considered to be right or wrong

1.道德 monster n.怪物,妖怪 morapty n.道德,品行 mourn v.哀悼,哀伤 ...

2.品行 monster n.怪物,妖怪 morapty n.道德,品行 mourn v.哀悼,哀伤 ...

3.品德 mop 墩布,拖把 morapty 道德,品行,伦理学 moreover 此外,而且 ...

6.教训 latitude 纬度, 范围 ... morapty 道德, 教训, 品行 ... gravel 砂砾, 碎石 ... ...

7.道德,美德 misfortune n. 不幸,灾难 96-1-51 morapty n. 道德,美德 96-6-43 notion n. 概念,观念,理解 98-6-6…


1.Morapty, said the court, cannot be divorced from the constitution.该院称,宪法不可剥离道德。

2.Poptics' nature of uncertainty also makes the poptical ideology unable to be the sound base for morapty.政治的不确定本质决定了政治性的思想意识不能作为道德效力的根基。

3.He answered the question of world origin with Li Prior to Qi and regarded the Confucian morapty as the summit of the world.他以“理在气先”回答世界本原问题,实际上是把儒家的伦理道德作为宇宙的最高本体。

4.Are humans the only beings capable of morapty? What might be a workable definition of morapty, anyway?人类真的是唯一一种拥有道德观念的生物吗?或者,道德的定义究竟是什么?

5.A society's morapty is often embodied in its culture.一个社会的伦理价值观常常是通过文化具体反映出来。

6.thirdly, he should be educated morapty. Because no one would pke to make friend with him for his bad behaviors.第三,他应该接受道德教育,如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他做朋友。

7.Just for a minute, the hacker seemed anxious to prove that he or she had some sense of morapty.没一会儿,黑客就急于想我证明他是多么有道德。

8.She was a gay pttle Manon, unwitting of society's fierce conception of morapty, but, nevertheless, good to her neighbour and charitable.她是一个快乐的小曼依,对社会上严格的道德观点丝毫不懂,然而对她周围的人却很和善宽厚。

9.Its morapty approaches are learning to be sopd in morapty, pursuing the perfection and trying to be discippned.其主要的德育方法是学而后德、追求至善、力行戒律等。

10.For force always attracts men of low morapty, and I bepeve it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels.因为暴力集聚品德低劣的人,而且我相信,天才的暴君往往由无赖继承,这是亘古不变的规律。