




1.更多乐趣 ... Hole in One 一杆进洞 More Fun 更多乐趣 Knott’s Scary Farm! 万圣节之不好玩乐园! ...

2.更多的乐趣 Flag banner||三角挂旗 More Fun||更多的乐趣 Ball Pools||波波池 ...

3.更有意思 Sunshine 阳光 More Fun 更有趣 Easter Time 复活节 ...

5.趣味尤佳此二人便是著名漫画英雄“超人”的形象设计者。到第七辑时,《新趣味漫画》更名为《趣味尤佳》(More Fun)。


1.This was the most sensible arrangement; it was more fun for the children too.这是最合理的安排;孩子们也会玩得更开心。

2.For people trying to solve the national obesity epidemic, or just to lose a few pounds, exercise is more fun than dieting.对于努力解决国家肥胖流行病的人来说,或者只是想掉几磅肉的人,锻炼比节食更有趣。

3.The only other choice I had was to think less of me. . . and it was easier and more fun to think less of them instead.唯一的原因是我太少考虑自己了…取而代之的是我是更容易和更开心地想到他们…

4.These improvements will make it much more fun for you to enjoy the thousands of games and apps available in Ovi Store and elsewhere.这些改进将使它更有趣的你享受数以千计的游戏和应用服务提供乔维奇商店和其他地方。

5.Get at least one microphone, and a stand to go with it. Playing songs is a lot more fun when someone's singing!至少需要一个麦克风,并为它配备一个架子。有人唱歌会给演奏带来更多乐趣。

6.If you're talking about racing then a time that was more fun, pke the 1970s. I could have enjoyed it. And before that, maybe the Wild West.如果你是指赛车的话,我想回到过去那个更有意思的时代,像上世纪70年代。我喜欢那个时候。再往前的话,大概是美国初期的西部吧。

7.I understood that it would be more fun if I could go with the sun in the sky to see better.我想如果我可以追随着太阳看到更精彩的景色那将是多么的有趣啊。

8.Do not just keep a cat, the raising of two will have more fun and a pttle more will not be any trouble.不要只养一只小猫,养两只会有更大的乐趣,而且一点不会多出什么麻烦。

9.It was not important whether there is an ultimate result of the discuss or not, process gave us more fun.大家交换着对问题的看法,有没有一个最终的结果并不重要了,讨论的过程才是快乐的所在。

10.It's more fun to do research and help others do research if you care about the field (or at least some aspect of it).如果你关注这个领域(或者至少是其中的某些方面)的话,自己做一些研究工作、帮助他人做研究工作,是非常有趣的事情。