




1.莫雷诺共和国REPUBLIC OF CHILE)北部沿海莫雷诺湾MORENO)的东岸,南纬23°40,西经70°23,濒临太平洋的东南侧,是 …


1.After Pineda-Moreno challenged the DEA's actions, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled in January that it was all perfectly legal.随后尼达-莫雷诺指控了DEA机构的行动,第九巡回上诉法院三位法官组成的委员会1月份作出裁决,表明这一行动完全合法。

2.Moreno, who went on to found a semiconductor company in Los Angeles, wouldn't visit his birthplace until he was well into middle age.再后来,摩惹诺在洛杉矶创建了一家半导体公司,直到中年,他才有机会重访了他的出生地。

3.The prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said he had a lot of evidence against the three men, as James Robbins reports.检控官奥坎波(LuisMoreno-Ocampo)称,他已经掌握了许多关于这三人罪行的证据。JamesRobbins报道。

4.Moreno-Ocampo is investigating Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, some of his sons and aides over a "pre-determined plan" to attack protesters.Moreno-Ocampo正在就“有预谋地”攻击示威者,对利比亚领导人卡扎菲、他的某些儿子及帮凶进行调查。

5.He was convicted because Juan Moreno, a second victim he allegedly shot nine times but failed to kill, identified him at the trial.另一名据称被案犯射击9枪但并未毙命的受害者JuanMoreno在法庭上指认了他,他因而被定罪。

6.Deputies say Vicente Ignacio Beltran Moreno abducted the teen at gunpoint and tied him to a tree.代理人表示比森特?伊格纳西奥?贝尔德兰?莫蕾诺用枪绑架这名少年并把他绑在树上。

7.On Wednesday, Mr Moreno-Ocampo said that if the arrest warrants were issued, he might add the charge of rape to the case.周三,莫瑞诺·奥坎波先生称,如果逮捕令被批准,他可能还追加集体强奸这项指控。

8.Ms Hurtado fled to Panama where she was granted asylum, while Mr Moreno is being held at a miptary garrison awaiting trial.玛利亚已潜逃至巴拿马(那里愿意为她提供避难),而莫雷诺则在一所军事要塞中羁押,等待审判。

9.the summer of 1959 was the last Moreno would see of it.1959年夏天,将是摩惹诺参观故地的最后机会。

10.The court's chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said on Friday he is in contact with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi through intermediaries.该法院的首席检察官路易斯莫雷诺-奥坎波说,上周五,他在与赛义夫伊斯兰卡扎菲通过中介机构联系。