




1.莫尔兹比 Kuala_Lumpur 吉隆坡 Port_Moresby 莫尔斯贝港 Port_of_Spain 西班牙港 ...

4.莫尔兹比诺 布拉夫 BLUFF 莫尔比滋港 Moresby 皇加雷 WHANGAREI ...

6.首都莫斯比木材,为了进口檀香和黑檀木,他在一九九四年到该国的首都莫斯比(Moresby)港探路,该地治安不佳,刚到就遇上抢劫,年 …


1.Such happy and peace was no longer kept until Bill was sent to Port Moresby of Papua New Guinea for a year to work in a government office.直到比尔被派到巴布亚新几内亚的莫尔斯比港为政府机关工作一年时,这种幸福祥和的日子终于到头了。

2.British art historian Jonathan Argyll is in sunny Los Angeles conducting some profitable business with the Moresby Museum.英国艺术史学家乔纳森阿盖尔正与一些有利可图的生意莫尔斯比博物馆在阳光明媚的洛杉矶。

3.In Port Moresby both Mr Key and Australia's prime minister, Kevin Rudd, pressed for a tough response on Fiji.在摩尔兹比港,和新西兰总理一样,澳大利亚总理陆克文强烈要求斐济给出正面回应。

4.Port Moresby: A tourist is someone who thinks about going home the moment they arrive, Tunner.波特·莫斯比:特纳,一个游客总会在他们抵达的时候想到回家。

5.Harare, Port Moresby and Dhaka occupied the bottom of the table.哈拉雷、莫尔斯比港和达卡则分别排在了最后。

6.Moresby Prison issued you that gun, but you actually had to pay for it?摩斯拜监狱给你配的枪,但实际上你为此纳税?

7.GATHERING in Port Moresby, capital of Papua New Guinea, Pacific Island leaders this week gave an absent friend an ultimatum.本周,太平洋岛国各国领导人于巴布亚新几内亚首都摩尔兹比港会面,并对一位缺席成员发出了最后通牒。

8.Gazetteer Oceania: occurs in numerous streams within a 35 km radius of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.大洋洲:出现于很多的溪流中在一里面35公里巴布亚新几内亚的莫尔斯比港的半径。

9.A captive Huon or Matschie's tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) National Botanic Gardens Port Moresby.莫尔斯比港国家植物园一只被俘虏的树袋鼠或麦斯彻树袋熊。

10.To many of the ports of Papua New Guinea excluding Lae and Port Moresby we offer service after trans-shipping at Lae.除了莱城跟莫尔兹比港,对于巴布亚新几内亚的许多港口我们可以提供在莱城中转的服务。