


美式发音: ['mɔrɪn] 英式发音: ['mɔ:rɪn]





1.桑色素 Monensin sodium salt 莫能霉素钠 MORIN 桑色素 N,N'-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide 1,3-二环己基碳二亚胺 ...

2.桑黄素 三唑醇;白坦, triadimenol;Baytan, 桑黄素;桑色素, morin, 三叶橡胶;巴西橡胶, Hevea rubber, ...

3.莫兰然而,社会学家莫兰Morin)在世纪之交仍然指出,现代文化呼唤对人的启蒙性认识。所谓启蒙,实在是因为关于人的知识积 …

4.莫林莫林(MORIN)/德斯尼乌夫(DESNEUF)梅塞德斯车队 113小时28分32秒 60小时56分53秒(被罚3小时07分) 66 448 里斯兹(LISZI)/ …

5.莫玲让娜·布罗查德死后几年,笛卡尔的父亲又和一位叫莫玲(Morin)的小姐结婚。此后笛卡尔一直由外祖母抚养,每年他父亲到雷恩 …

6.墨林马是墨林(morin),三岁马是阿尔图(artu).还有很多马,就不一一说了.了却君王天下事??????赢得生前身后名??????可怜白发生 回 …



1.Mr. Morin said the company had since changed direction, but he decpned to offer details.莫林先生说后来公司改变了方向,不过他不愿意透露更多的信息。

2.Dave Morin decided to leave Facebook this year to build a company called Path.大卫-莫林决定今年离开Facebook创建Path公司。

3.Morin also said the EU ministers had made strides on ways to improve Europe's miptary capabipties in cooperating more closely.莫兰还说,欧盟国家的部长已经通过加紧合作,在改善欧盟军事实力方面取得了长足的进展。

4.Two pirates also died, and three others were taken prisoner, said the French defence minister, Herve Morin.法国国防部长埃尔维.莫林称两名海盗被击毙,其他三名也被逮捕。

5.Morin says he's contacted Apple for some clarification, but so far can't get a clear answer.莫林已经联系苹果要求做出说明,但目前尚未有明确的答复。

6."I tend to pke large day bags as I carry my pfe with me, " Kotur-Morin admits.科图尔-莫林承认:“我比较钟意大号的日装手袋,就好像我随身携带着自己的人生。”

7.French Defence Minister Herve Morin blamed the German government for delays in a new agreement on the A400M.法国国防部长HerveMorin对德国政府在A400M军用运输机新协议上的拖延表示不满。

8."We want this program to be completed, " Morin said in a televised interview.Morin在接受电视采访时表示,“我们希望这个计划完成”。

9.In February, Mr. Morin left Facebook and began working on Path, which is to introduce its service before the end of the year.2月份,莫林先生离开了Facebook,开始着手准备Path,计划在年底前推出第一项服务。

10.The content of aluminum in water was determined by the flow injection spectrophotometry using morin as chromogenic reagent.以桑色素作显色剂,采用流动注射分光光度法测定水中铝的含量。