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1.莫利 Morales 莫拉雷斯 | Morley 莫利 | Ockeghem 奥克冈 | ...

2.莫雷 Morgan 摩根 Morley 摩利 Morris 莫里斯 ...


5.莫勒1904年英国数学家莫勒(Morley)发现了初等几何中的一条著名定理:三角形三个角的六个三等分线中,相邻的(不在同一个角上)两 …

6.莫莱  国外学者莫莱(Morley)等提出了一个颇为实用的PADAM量表判断方法,拟出十个问题请您回答:  1.是否有性欲降低   2.是否感到 …

7.摩尔利莫茨引用摩尔利Morley)博士的话:“如果我们记住,甚至现在,在普通玛雅人食物中四分之三到六分之五是把玉米作成这样 …



1.U. S. Navy spokesman Molly (Mike Morley) said the actions will be held in central Vietnam city of Danang, for about a week.美国海军发言人莫利(MikeMorley)称,此次行动将在越南中部城市岘港举行,为期约一周时间。

2.Morley: Well, although I've lost face, at least they let me keep my camera! !莫理:嗯,虽然很丢脸,至少他们让我保留了我的相机!!

3.After contest organizer Jupa Morley disquapfied her, Malek changed her mind, removed the veil and was allowed to compete.组织者朱莉亚·莫利打算取消她的参赛资格,马列可这才转变了观念,摘下面纱,最后还是参加了比赛。

4.Morley: We might have to wait a while. He's way behind.莫理:也许我们得等一阵子。他在很后面。

5."Well it's a long story, " Morley would say vaguely, I never quite understood what he was up to.“说来话长了,”莫利只愿含糊地说,我完全不明白他所为的是何事。

6.we forgot that cameras are a no-no in hot springs. morley: i'm sorry if i scared everybody. i'm a photographer, not a perv!我们忘了相机在温泉里算是违禁品。莫理:如果吓到大家我很抱歉。我是个摄影师,不是变态!

7.Good, I'll get Morley's car and be over to get you first thing in the morning, but right now how about some of that wine?好,我会拿取莫利的车子并早上第一件要辨妥的事是接载你,但此刻不如喝点酒?

8.Morley: Maybe it's because of that race. I should told you I used to be a bike messenger.莫理:也许是那场比赛的关系。我该早点告诉你我以前是个单车快递。

9.Given this year's problems, organizer Jupa Morley must have felt glad that it was finally over and that a new winner had been chosen.由于今年出现的问题,组织者朱莉娅·莫利一定会为竞赛最终结束并选出了新的优胜者而感到高兴。

10.Morley: Yeah, but. . . uh, I'm not comfortable with you guys seeing me in the buff.莫理:是啦,可是……嗯,让你们看到我光溜溜的很不自在。