



1.All the fight went out of her at that. She hung pmply in Mormont's grasp as her eyes filled with tears.她说的时候再也不挣扎了,她无力地吊在莫尔蒙的手上眼中充满了泪水。

2.He found Mormont stretched out in the lower one, swaying slowly with the motion of the ship.他发现莫尔蒙占据了那个矮点的,随着船的摆动而缓缓摇动。

3.Jorah Mormont had fought longer and harder, but he would have come to the same place in the end.乔拉·莫尔蒙的抗争时间要长和艰苦的多,但是他最后也屈服了。

4.When he took it off, he revealed the battered face of Jorah Mormont.当他摘下它,显示出乔拉·莫尔蒙伤痕累累的脸。

5.Jorah Mormont finally took pity on Tyrion's struggles and pulled him to his feet. "You looked a fool. "乔拉·莫尔蒙最后怜悯提利昂的挣扎把他拉了起来。“你看起来就像白痴。”

6.Jorah Mormont's face was dark with anger, but he answered. "To serve her. Defend her. Die for her, if need be. "乔拉·莫尔蒙的脸因为愤怒而阴沉,但是他回答了。“去效忠于他,保护她,若需要可以为她而死。”

7.Jorah Mormont was standing over him. "If I take you off the ring, will you do as you're told? "乔拉·莫尔蒙正俯视着他。“若我摘掉这铁环,你会照我说的做么?”

8.Mormont emerged from the cramped confines of the cage bent and squinting with both eyes blackened and his back crusty with dried blood.莫尔蒙从哪个狭小的笼子里出来时弯腰驼背只能眯着眼睛看东西,他两眼都有淤青,而后背上结满了干裂的血痂。

9.Never, said the grass, in the gruff tones of Jorah Mormont.绝对不是,草海用乔拉•莫尔蒙粗哑的音调回答。

10.Our friends from PIQUE llc shared with us this house located outside the small village of Mormont in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium.从我们的朋友皮克公司分享我们与比利时阿登森林位于这所房子外面的小莫尔蒙在村。