




1.在线视频 ... 新闻# most-popular-news 在线视频# most-popular-videos 无线服务 http://www.pv-tech网址被屏蔽/mobile_services ...


1.Some of the most popular videos that have been vetted and approved by Queensland Tourism staff can be viewed.昆士兰州旅游局已审查通过的一些最受欢迎的视频已经可以在网上浏览了。

2.Salvation was the 'proxy cache' -- lots of local servers around the world holding the most popular videos.解决办法是“代理缓存”(proxycache),也就是让全世界大量本地服务器来存储最热门的那些视频。

3.The service also allows users to tag videos with keywords, and view the most popular videos at any given time.它还允许用户使用关键字为视频添加标记,在任何时刻都可以观看最受欢迎的视频文件。

4.You can also see others' Kyte channels, and view the most popular videos from the Kyte Thermometer.你也可以查看其他Kyte用户的频道,看看当中最受欢迎的视频。

5.The program features the 20 most popular videos making the rounds onpne in any given week.该节目播放每周在互联网上最流行的20个视频。

6.Cpps of scripted bits from television are some of the most popular videos on the Internet.剪辑的脚本的钻头从电视的一些最热门的影片在互联网上。

7.Last year we reviewed YouTube's 10 most popular videos.去年我们评出了YOUTUBE上最流行的10部视频。