



美式发音: [ˈmʌðə(r)] 英式发音: ['mʌðə(r)]




复数:mothers  现在分词:mothering  过去式:mothered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.see mother,call mother,meet mother,find mother,take mother

adj.+n.young mother,dear mother,single mother,poor mother,elderly mother


v.look after,care for,protect,nurse,tend





n.1.your female parent. People sometimes call their mother Mom or, especially if they are children, Mommy2网站屏蔽ed as a title or form of address for a senior nun in a repgious community3网站屏蔽ed as a title of respect for a woman past middle age

v.1.to treat someone with care and kindness as though they were a small child

1.母亲 6. 1994 《暴雨将至》 Before the Rain 1. 2010 《母亲们Mothers 2. 2007 《影子》 S…

3.妈妈 历史 histories 妈妈 mothers 父亲或母亲 parents ...

4.妈妈的村庄 伦敦-现代巴比伦 LONDON THE MODERN BABYLON 妈妈的村庄 Mothers 你是天堂爱是地狱 Lost In Paradis…

5.创业板 ... 花童礼服/ Flower Girls 新娘母亲礼服/ Mothers 新娘配饰/ Accessories ...

7.准妈妈照 ... FAMILY 全家福 MOTHERS 准妈妈照 BABY 宝宝照 ...



1.It was an emotional reunion in a Tehran hotel - between three mothers and their adult children imprisoned since July on spying charges.这是一个在德黑兰酒店团聚之间的情感和他们的三个成年子女的母亲-自7月监禁间谍指控。

2.It's just a bit of harmless fun. There is no difference between this and Mothers or Fathers Day.送情人节贺卡只是学习之余的一点小乐子,无伤大雅,和母亲节、父亲节送贺卡没什么区别。

3.What advice would you give to mothers who are trying to raise strong, independent women in a world that has been slow to put women in power?在这个女性力量发展缓慢的世界里,对那些想培育强有力,独立女性的母亲们你能给予什么意见?。

4.Virtually all said the growing prevalence of mothers who have no male partners around to help them raise children is bad for society.基本上他们都认为目前越来越多的身边没有丈夫帮忙而独自抚养孩子的单身妈妈对社会很不利。

5.The number one sound to wake women - whether or not they were mothers - was the sound of a crying baby.相反,最能吵醒女人的声音正是宝宝的哭声,不管她是不是一个母亲。

6.Another recent study found that the children had a greater chance of developing lung cancer if their mothers smoked.另一项最新研究发现,儿童有患肺癌的可能性更大,如果他们的母亲吸烟。

7.The children, following the gentes of their respective mothers, would be divided between them.子女们各随其母亲而分属于这两个氏族。

8.He said he seduced lots of girls; their mothers pked him.他说他钓了许多女孩;她们的母亲也喜欢他。

9.But then I began to see a veritable army of mothers (and one father) pushing a stroller while talking on the cell phone.但我还看到了许多其他父母,他们在推着婴儿车时一边还在喋喋不休的讲着电话。

10.Expectant mothers, ' he said. Moments later, a well-to-do young woman pushing a kid in a stroller stepped into the lobby.不一会儿,一位年轻贵妇推着一个婴儿车走进了大厅。