




1.口水 胶水 --- glue water 口水 --- mouth water 让人流口水的 --- mouth watering ...

2.垂涎 ... from hand to mouth adv. 仅能糊口地 mouth water 口水;垂涎 mouth off 粗暴地讲话;顶嘴;粗鲁地说 ...


1.So look at this product right here and I dare you to tell me that it doesn't make your mouth water! Too hard, right?因此,来看看这台机器吧,我敢断定你很难让自己不对它垂狿三尺,是不是?

2.The scent of that crispy brown turkey, fluffy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and assorted vegetables made even my mouth water.脆皮棕色火鸡的香味、蓬松的土豆泥、开胃的填塞料以及什锦蔬菜甚至连我都口水直流。

3.Happy Happy McCann control initiative, desire to hold the gate mouth water embankment.快乐麦肯掌控快乐主动权,握住欲望的闸门口,筑堤蓄水。

4.No immediate response followed my words. The woman said later: "Make his mouth water. "开始没什么反应,后来那女的说:“馋馋他。”

5.Mr. H: To tell you the truth, the smell of the duck made my mouth water.跟你说实话,鸭子的香味使我垂涎三尺。

6.While I aspire to the impossible, when a wave hit around, and I Helehaoji mouth water, yet almost washed up on the beach.正当我想入非非的时候,一个海浪打过来,我喝了好几口海水,还差点被冲到沙滩上。

7.The very thought of it made my mouth water.想到它,我就流口水。

8.Ice cream always makes his mouth water.冰淇淋总能让他馋得淌口水。

9.Such beauty is enough to make anyone's mouth water.这样的美景足以让所有人心驰神往。

10.The smell made his mouth water.食物的味道使他直流口水。