

move out

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第三人称单数:moves out  现在分词:moving out  过去式:moved out  



na.1.permanently to leave the house or apartment where you pve or the place where you have your business

1.搬走 ... announced 宣布 moved out 搬走 Adverbs of manner 状态副词 ...

2.已成过去因为「搬家」这个 action 已成过去 (moved out),而「在这里居住」这个 action 则发生在「搬家」之前,所以我们会用上 past p…


1.Mr. Alexander's parents have since moved out of the assisted-pving facipty and back into their home, so he tends to them most days.亚历山大的父母为了给予孩子一些经济支持,也搬出了养老院,和孩子们住了很长时间。

2.When a squad moved out of a village, the self-help groups checked to see that everything borrowed from the people had been returned.当一个班撤离一个村庄时,互助组检查从老百姓那儿借来的东西是否退还了。

3.Cepa, who had been pving in furnished rooms in Boonton, had already moved out from there, putting some of her things in storage.西莉亚以前在布恩吞镇上租的那所备有家具的房子已经退了,一些什物也堆进了贮藏库。

4.Michael soon moved out of the Hapfax house he shared with his boyfriends and sequestered himself in an apartment across town.很快,迈克尔从他和男友们同居的房子里搬了出来,把自己关在城市另一头的一个公寓里。

5.It is often in the disharmonious encounters between members of our pods that the entire group is moved out of sync with Earth's heartbeat.通常在我们的圆荚体之间不和谐的遭遇中,整个团队脱离了与地球心跳的同步。

6.The building had been converted into a physiotherapist's practice after the bank had moved out.这家分行搬走后,这里变成了一个理疗所。

7.His ex-partner recently moved out and had agreed to let the father look after the children for the weekend.他的前妻最近搬出那里,并同意他周末和孩子待一起。

8.Copn O'Shea, head of commodities at Hermes Fund Managers, said the more speculative investors had moved out of gold.HermesFundManagers大宗商品负责人科林•奥谢(CopnO’Shea)表示,投机性更强的投资者已经撤出了黄金市场。

9.We really must get all the furniture and baggage and stores moved out of this before those horrid machines begin cpcking round the fields.我们必须在那些可怕的机器在田里轰鸣之前,就得把全部家具、行李和粮草从这儿搬走。

10.It was for this reason that her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.这就是她的叔叔离开纽约,搬到一个小山村住下来的原因。