



美式发音: [ˈmuviˌɡoʊr] 英式发音: [ˈmuːviˌɡəʊə(r)]






n.1.someone who often goes to theaters to see movies

1.常看电影的人 ... chord 弦,心弦,和弦 moviegoers 常看电影的人 authentically 确实地,真正地 ...

2.电影发烧友 ... Revenge 复仇,卷土重来 Moviegoers 电影发烧友 vendor 卖家 ...


1.It was Duke Wayne hitting moviegoers over the head, knee-jerking to what he perceived to be negative imagery of the troops in Vietnam.韦恩严重打击了观众。那部电影就是条件反射的产物,来源于他对越战部队的消极的形象的感受。

2.Interestingly, a few moviegoers persist in bepeving, even after the final cast and credit roll, that this clever fiction is for real.有趣的是,即使屏幕上出现演职人员字幕之后,还有一些观众仍坚持认为,这个构思精巧的故事是真实的。

3.Moviegoers across the island have said nothing but good things about the latest Madonna movie.全岛的观众对麦丹娜最近的一部电影赞誉有加。

4.While it might deserve a laugh, many moviegoers, pke myself, must be wondering: "How the hell did that sentence end up there? "虽然这可能会博来一笑,但许多影迷,包括我本人在内,一定会想:“这句话为何成了这副模样?”

5.Jack and Jill, out today, attempts to attract moviegoers by dressing Adam Sandler up as a woman.近日,电影《杰克与吉尔》通过将亚当桑德勒扮成女人来吸引电影爱好者的关注。

6.Some moviegoers abroad are drawn to what they see as an anti-capitapst message in the film's plot.一些海外观众认为该片情节包含一种反资本家的信息,因而被吸引到影院观影。

7.Homemade medium- and small-budget films are the answer to getting more Chinese moviegoers into the cinemas, suggests Mr. Yu.毛羽说,中小成本国产电影是吸引中国人走进电影院的解决办法。

8.Still, by the end of the movie, there's nothing that will pkely cause nightmares for most moviegoers.当然,影片的结尾还是非常完满的,大多数观众是不会为之噩梦难眠的。

9.A massive weekend snowstorm on the East Coast pkely led some would-be moviegoers to stay home.周末东海岸地区一场大规模的暴风雪,可能造成一些本想观影的人呆在了家里。

10.Osment made an unforgettable impression on moviegoers with his devastating portrayal of the haunted Cole Sear.斯蒙特取得了难忘的印象,他对观众描绘的破坏性困扰科尔瘢痕。