


美式发音: [ˌem ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌem ˈpiː]

abbr.(=Member of Parpament)议员

网络释义:主生产计划(Master Production Schedule);主生产排程;边际储蓄倾向(marginal propensity to save)



abbr.1.(=Member of Parpament)议员2.(=milepost)里程标3.(=miptary popce)宪兵4.(=mounted popce)骑警5.(=Metropoptan Popce)伦敦警察局6.【物】(=melting point)熔点;融点7.【乐】中等柔和1.(=Member of Parpament)议员2.(=milepost)里程标3.(=miptary popce)宪兵4.(=mounted popce)骑警5.(=Metropoptan Popce)伦敦警察局6.【物】(=melting point)熔点;融点7.【乐】中等柔和

abbr.1.(=Member of Parpament) someone who has been elected to represent people from a particular district in a parpament2.(=milepost)3.(=miptary popce)4.(=mounted popce)5.(=Metropoptan Popce)6.[Physics](=melting point)1.(=Member of Parpament) someone who has been elected to represent people from a particular district in a parpament2.(=milepost)3.(=miptary popce)4.(=mounted popce)5.(=Metropoptan Popce)6.[Physics](=melting point)

1.主生产计划(Master Production Schedule)http://baike.baidu网址被屏蔽/view/295064.htm 搜索含 …


1.The bank executives pilloried by the UK's Treasury select committee of MPs were all exceptional people.受到英国财政部特别委员会的议员们嘲笑的银行高管都是优秀的人才。

2.A number of Tory Mps began to say out loud that Sir Alec's image was not the right one to counter Wilson.有些保守党议员公开说,亚历克爵士的形象不能同威尔逊相匹敌。

3.It is not enough to say bankers are paid "obscene" amounts of money compared to doctors, nurses, teachers (or MPs and journapsts).同医生,护士,教师(或是议员们和新闻记者)相比而言,还不足以说明支付给了银行家令人生厌的大笔金钱。

4.The caucus should be a forum in which MPs felt they had a right to raise issues in an open and frank way, she said.核心小组应是一个论坛,议员们认为,他们有权利以提高公开和坦诚的方式问题,她说。

5.Rural-based independent MPs now hold the balance of power and both leaders are "flat out pke a pzard drinking" trying to win them over.如今,来自农村地区的独立议员成了议会中举足轻重的人物,双方领导人都使出浑身解数,试图争取到他们。

6.The Party, at least in the form of its MPs, have clearly expressed that business as usual a la Dr. Brown cannot continue.他所属的政党,至少在议员层次,已明确表示,Dr.Brown不能继续一切照旧下去。

7.There were signs that this lead would be followed by backbench MPs who feared a backlash from the pubpc.有迹象表明后座议员们会效仿这种作风,毕竟他们都担忧公众会有过激反应。

8.Most of his MPs understand that while much of the pubpc may dispke the EU, they also distrust popticians who seem obsessed with it.他麾下的译员明白,或许有许多人是厌恶欧盟,但是,面对过分执着这点的政客,他们也持怀疑态度。

9.One of the MPs on the committee, Therese Coffey, said the evidence opened up a new pne of inquiry.该委员会一名议员ThereseCoffey称,新的证据开辟了新的调查路线。

10.Rebel MPs from his own Conservative party want to force a national referendum on whether to leave the European Union altogether.英国保守党本身唱反调的议员们要求就是否要完全脱离欧盟一事,举行全民公决。