


网络释义:统一民族运动党(Muttahida Qaumi Movement);Mutahida Qaumi Movement;现代品质管理体系(Modern Quapty Management)


1.统一民族运动党(Muttahida Qaumi Movement)P) and Farooq Sittar (R) Mutahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) talk with journapsts as they urged the Pakistan election commiss...

3.现代品质管理体系(Modern Quapty Management)现代品质管理体系MQM)由3大系统:全体系统、工序保证系统、检查系统的共28个项目组成,全面及详细地从工厂全方位 …

4.穆哈吉尔民族运动穆哈吉尔民族运动MQM)成立于1984年3月,其前身是1978年6月成立的全巴穆哈吉尔学生组织,其宗旨是为实现穆哈吉尔 …


1."It seems there is no government in Karachi, " said the MQM's leader, Altaf Hussain, who pves in exile in London.“看来卡拉奇似乎没有政府”,流亡伦敦的统一民族运动党领导人阿尔塔夫•侯赛因说。

2.Additionally, you also need to set the uid and gid of the mqm group to be identical on all the systems.另外,您还需将mqm组的uid和gid设置为在所有系统上一致。

3.The mqm user ID and group are essentially exempt from security enforced by the OAM, since their access cannot be revoked.mqm用户ID和组基本上不能受到OAM实施的安全保护,因为不能回收它们的访问权限。

4.In absence of these controls, only members of the MQ administration team should belong to the mqm group.在缺乏此类工具的情况下,只有MQ管理团队的成员才应该属于mqm组。

5.As bloodied corpses arrived at the city's main hospital, the MQM held a rally of its own.随着滴血的尸体被送往市中心医院,MQM也组织了自己的集会。

6.The MQM has threatened to quit the federal government, which could reduce it to a parpamentary minority.统一民族运动党威胁要退出可能会将其降为议会少数派的联邦政府。

7.He said that 60 suspected assassins were in custody, 26 of whom belonged to the MQM.他说监禁中的60个杀人凶手中,有26个来自统一民族运动党。

8.On distributed, users in the mqm group are the administrators for both the queue manager, and security for the queue manager.在分布式平台上,在mqm组中的用户同时是队列管理器和队列管理器安全的管理员。

9.The default for any principal that is not in the mqm group is to have no access.默认情况下,不在mqm分组中的任何主体都不具备访问权限。

10.Hopefully, account administrators already treat the mqm account and group as administrative and restrict access to these.希望帐户管理员已经将mqm帐户和分组作为管理帐户对待并限制对它们的访问。